Nonchalant from Andrews.
Fucking hell, the ref is getting worse.
Double scores
Geaney surely fouled there?
Dubs in total control. An excellent performance overall from them this half.
Some amount of handling the ball on the ground & foul hand passing being let go.
Philly McMahon mugging the muldoons off.
This is getting away from Kerry. Need some changes at half time.
McMahon showing Cooper how its done
Gooch looks fucked.
Ref is cuntish…
Kerry by 3 come the end…
Coldrick has had a good game.
Any picks for the Golf tonight, pal?
This is a disgraceful refereeing performance, fucking hell
Kerry will rue all those wides.
far from over yet though. A goal or two will turn the game on it;s head.
Ref riding the fuck out of the Kerry lads though.
@Nembo_Kidbeing vindicated on here. The Gooch having no impact
Bitter boy blue will be seething at Mcmahon performance.
Great half by dublin. What’s the story with the players slipping all over the pitch? Have they not got proper studs?
dublin backs being let foul away here
Ref giving Dublin the key decisions near either goal, and then giving Kerry the odd soft one out in no man’s land so he looks neutral. Fuck me I’ve had refs like that Mandy’s the time. Always the same lads, can swing a game either way they decide but are very clever about it. The other trick is to give everything one way til the game is beyond doubt, then give a few soft ones near the end to the losers when it’s safe.
Did day from Thursday, awful price though…can’t see him fucking it away from there!!