2015 All Ireland Football Championship - FOR THE LOVE OF GOD MAKE IT STOP

Never heard of this Eamon Carr chap, sounds like a right cunt


Former drummer with the Horslips. Po faced cunt

Crap response. There’s a difference between niggling a player to get a reaction and taking him out.

He’s just saying what’s commonly known about Connolly. He’s hardly encouraging it.

Armagh 0-13 Wicklow 1-7. "53.

Lol Armagh. Struggling against Wicklow.

Armagh 0-15 Wicklow 2-7

59 minutes gone

Eating popcorn

0-16 to 2-7. "62.

Goal. Jamie Clarke.

Thats why Armagh are genuine All-Ireland contenders.

LOL your having a laugh.

Another goal for Jamie Clarke.

2-17 to 2-7.

Another goal for Armagh. Superb ability to respond to a crisis situation from the Orchard men.

Full Time: Armagh 2-17 Wicklow 2-7.

Looks like a laboured enough performance.

Findon, Harold, Shields, Dyas and McKeever missing today but they should be coping with Wicklow a lot better than that.

10 point win highlights the strength of ulster football


As I said to you two weeks ago, Armagh wouldn’t be that far ahead of Wicklow and this was a game which Wicklow had an outsiders chance of winning.

Very much in the balance until those two Jamie Clarke goals in the dying minutes. Wicklow will rue a host of missed frees.

Armagh won by 10 points, pal.

Correct. Any day an almost perennial also ran like Armagh wins a Championship game by 10 points its a huge result for them.