2015 Cunt Of The Year

John Bruton still in the driving seat as far as Iā€™m concerned. A thundering cunt.


My sources tell me mcmahon is an utter cunt and despised within the ballymun club, refusing to train and giving a well known manager the two fingers and laughing on entering the field when brought on in a game. He has my vote.


Absolutely despised across the board in club GAA in Dublin.

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ā€œGiving a well known manager the two fingersā€

If that was McStay then it understandable but doesnā€™t take from his general cuntishness.

McMahon vs Connolly Part 146 is on in Parnell on Saturday week.


The lad who is going around taking down my advertisin g material. 99% certain I know who it is.
Bit of a cold war going on for a while (I was just replacing, not retaliating) but shit got serious last night when someone detached a sign (I had skillfully made myself) and dragged it out over the foot path and half on the road. My landlord/vo-Tennant text me that someone had rang him.

As an extension of this and for discussion, any good ideas on how to deal with this.
1.go to cops? Not my style
2.go toe to toe in taking shit down? Childish and I lose the higher ground
3.confront him?
4. Get some hoods to give him a few belts?

Any suggestions welcome. Iā€™d like to cleverly let this insecure cunt hang himself. But nothing g is jumping out at me.

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Option 3.

Ya, iā€™M going into local tescos today for a meeting with hr so I might repeatidly put up a poster in there and see if they catch him on camera.
Then iā€™ll probably call the cops bit force the cunt to pay me off. I could do with getting a trap bar, some kettlebells and heavy duty bands.

Coat every third sign with anthrax and buy a mass card.


How big was this sign?

The sign last night that is semi pernament? 1.2 x 900mm . Double sided V sign.

Option 3 for me too. Maybe tell him you have CCTV footage of the sign removal. He might shit it and abandon his campaign.

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:-). Excellent advice as always. Canā€™t fail.

Option 3, make sure to do it in a public setting as well.


Out of curiosity, what sort of beef has this guy with you? Personal or competitive?

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Competitive. I got a bit of good press recently and I capitalised on it, I call myself a Movement Coach, he is into capoaria and stuff like that. Obviously sees me as a threat. Of course we can co-exist and I had made a point of introducing myself & talking to all local competitors when I started.
But it has just emerged in the last few mins he was trying to rent the premises./gym I now have around the same time as me. So a bit of bitterness there towards my landlord (in similar business essentially) as well iā€™d say.
I doubt he realises his mistake in who he has taken on.

Itā€™s not that uncommon. Was talking to a friend who owns a big facility in Cork and they had a year long war with womenā€™s fitness. Itā€™s all a bit silly really.


It is funny that he manages to get into these situations no matter where he goes in the world. People everywhere just canā€™t handle his straight-shooting no-bullshit honesty. But thatā€™s their problem, @caoimhaoinā€™s alright, all the time



Back in the good ould days I had a compeditor whoā€™d ring me up ever few months and pretend to be a client, he wouldnt even mask his mobile number, a pure mule.

So Iā€™d tell him a bunch of lies, quote ridiculous prices and set him on his confident way.

The best crack I ever had was when he was sitting beside me at a conference in Dublin (Green Energy Stuff). Anyway Duncan Stewart was the man of the moment and everyone wanted a piece of him. So during one of the intervals I changed the wifes name on my phone to Duncan Stewart and I asked her to ring me a few times over the next hour. Walked back in and left the phone up on the desk beside your man. Ever few mins the phone would vibrate and Duncan Stewart would flash up. Afterwards anyway your man was full of questions about Duncan and I told him I was working closely with him on a few bits and he was a tough taskmaster. I watched him walk away defeated.

Ah the games we play, Truth was we were all on the road to nowhere.


Duncan Stewart is a top, top bloke.


Time for a rebrand timberinā€™