2015 Ulster Senior Football Championship

Shocking start from Tyrone. Have been a total rabble first 8mins. Standing off, tentative.

Paul Durcan’s shorts are incredibly small. Surely there must be a bigger size they could have offered him.

Very poor from Tyrone in the early stages.


That was badly needed. We should get a good game now.

Thank fuck for that goal, might wake Tyrone up; had been awful in the first 8 or so minutes.

There was another goal chance on there if McCrory could have got the pass away.

McQuillan. :rolleyes:

That is absolute bullshit

Petey Harte. :clap:

I thought that was a clear black card offence by Michael Murphy a few minutes ago.

Who’s marking McCurry? Ryan McHugh was closest to him before being drawn to the ball for the goal but not sure if he’s his actual marker.

Peter Harte is fighting manfully in there for Tyrone, great bit of stuff.

Excellent from Peter Harte, class play.

McQuillan is not giving us much.

I’d me more worried that you haven’t a free taker on the pitch

Soft free against McGee thre.

They don’t have a free taker period. Morgan misses more than he scores, plus he wastes 2mins coming up to take them. But i suppose that’s part of the game plan as much as anything when playing a stronger rival, to eat away the minutes.

Christy Toye. Wily old fox. :clap:

It annoys me when players don’t go for goal there

Enjoyable game now, Tyrone have the beating of them, I think.

Fisting it over the bar when a simple pass across the square would resulted in McBrearty rolling it into an empty net. :rolleyes: