2016 Allianz National Football League


Massive needle in this, its boiled over a few times in opening minutes.

Red card, it was heating up in fairness.

Fuckin tramp McGee

Donaghy late from behind there. More reds on the way in this.

Kerry full forward gets straight red for punching Eamon McGee repeating into the puss from standing position and leaving him a bloody mess, possible broken nose. McGee is gone off for treatment. Kerry full forward is a new fella, Fitzgerald i think.

But did McGee deserve a red too?

If a full back tried to break my finger like that he’d be getting digs too.

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Score updates would be appreciated please, chaps.



Looked like he deserved a few digs anyway.

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Kerry 6 to 2 up. Filthy, cynical match played by 2 filthy, cynical teams.

That looked a harsh black card.

And now another red.

Another red for Kerry? Thought it was two black cards only?

Kerry are losing the rag altogether. O’Mahony will be sent off next.

Ref has lost control of this one. Not sure he ever had control really.

Eddie Kinsella’s report on this shameful display by the players should be made public.

Apologies, you’re right. Two black cards.

But there’s another red- for Donegal.

Ref evens things up now the stupid, stupid cunt. Donegal man sent off when Kerry should have had another one gone. Stupid bastard Edddie Kinsella.

Oh yeah McLoone deserved to go actually.