2016 Allianz National Football League

[quote=“Boxtyeater, post:639, topic:21520, full:true”]

Small bit before my time Boxty!

Kerry and Donegal hit with fines of €7,500 each, that tramp McGee given a one game ban.

It appears McGee has NOT been given a ban. Merely one has been recommended. I predict NO BAN. And rightly so.

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Nothing more to see here. The CCCCCCC should keep their fucking noses out of this matter. Its more games like Sunday’s Gaelic Football needs. Now fuck off.

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Just my observation mate.

Ah right. Carryon so.

Pig Cloak :sweat_smile:[quote=“Gilbertine, post:644, topic:21520, full:true”]
Does that innocent faced snakey rat bastard rat faced horrible cunt O’Mahony think no one can see him? Does he think because he’s a pig that no one can see what he’s up to? Some sort of pig cloak that hides his barefaced cuntish thuggery. This cunt needs to to taken down a peg or two fast.

I would love if the cunt himself read that great post.

I would love it.[quote=“Gilbertine, post:644, topic:21520, full:true”]
Does that innocent faced snakey rat bastard rat faced horrible cunt O’Mahony think no one can see him? Does he think because he’s a pig that no one can see what he’s up to? Some sort of pig cloak that hides his barefaced cuntish thuggery. This cunt needs to to taken down a peg or two fast.

Nice little article here from Mike Quirke. Summed up Sunday very well.

The like about the shark is splendid.

Not really. Spun the story in the cute Kerry way of painting them as the reactionaries rather than the instigators, which was not the reality of the situation.

I wish someone in the media would have the balls to call Kerry out on the “bad smell” that follows them around.

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I respect your opinion pal. I expected it.

But from watching it back, McGee was most deserving of the few dunts he received for what he tried to do to Fitzgerald’s fingers. It was right up there with eye gouging or spitting at an opponent, in my book. A nasty, deliberate act designed to inflict real damage and provoke an opponent. Completely unnecessary and unwarranted, no matter what colour jersey you’re wearing, or what county you hail from.


If anything, Donaghy lit the fuse with his man-handling of Donegal’s pack leader Michael Murphy following an early hop ball. He threw him to the turf in what seemed like a statement of intent
 ‘ye boys won’t come into our house and bully us today’

Thinly veiled McGee is a tramp, Donaghy was just laying down a marker.

Quirke is a cunt.


You are right here.
Donaghys was dangerous and arguably could have seriously hurt someone. In fact in rugby he’d get a game.

McGee was wrong also.

However i still really enjoyed the game bar those 2 incidents.

Devenney gave the Donegal angle on OTB the other night. Not too far off what Quirke said really. Albeit with a mild Donegal angle mind you, much like the mild one Quieke has given there. Quirke take on McGee’s trampishneas was spot on mind. Christ he got a lovely clipping for it though. Just hope they see sense and leave it at that though. He got his medicine already, no need for anymore. Donaghys action was equally trampish mind, all made for a lovely bitter contest.

Good to see both agree Kinsella handled the game as well as anybody could. He’s really one of the top in the game at present.

What a fucking langer you are


It seems sleeve tattoos are now synonymous with GAA players who have came through their own personal travails.

How twee.


Shall we make a list?

  1. Shane Carthy
  1. Ashling Thompson