2016 Allianz National Football League

Ah Kev, if he really wanted to he could have done damage but he peels the fingers off his arm and drags them back a bit, I dont think he keeps going anywhere the point he’d actually break his fingers.

I’m saying Kerry acting as if they are whiter than white is quite ridiculous, they are as cynical and underhand a side as out there but like to portray themselves as purists who play the game in a very sporting manner.

Generally you’re talking about different shades of grey when going through the top teams and their cynicism and skullduggery but the media and general public will try and tell you different.


What’s what wrong with Kerry portraying themselves as purists? Better than a bunch of thugs.

Because they’re not purists, they have no problem lowering the blame themselves

No one believes Kerry are football purists pal, they’re fooling no one that’s whats wrong with it.

They seem to have the media fooled.

I don’t think Kerry think they are whiter than white. I think they go out to play football but if you start a fight they are well able for that too.

They don’t always win those fights but very often it sparks them into life.

Kerry are every bit as cynical as any other team - all their cheerleaders in the media, including many of their former players - do a sterling job in promoting them as bastions of fairness and pure football.

What McGee did was trampish. Deserves a lengthy ban. The Kerry lad was well within his rights to hit him a box. Should have hit him harder.


They’re as cynical and on occasion dirty as anyone, there’s a lack of decent pundits in the game - that’s the why it isn’t publically said on RTE in particular.

Ys but because somebody on a tv show says something does not make it true or a universal truism

Agreed, my reply was to @Nembo_Kid on his post that they have the media fooled though.

Like every other serious teams, they have no bother getting their hands dirty and it’s often premeditated. O’Mahony on Michael Murphy in the 2014 final was, from some neutral accounts, as cynical and underhand display as you are likely to see. It’s the way that with Kerry, it is portrayed as being cute or smart, whereas with Ulster counties it is because it’s apparently the only way we can win.

In those games in the 00s, Tyrone were no more cynical or dirty than Kerry were but there is a still an element that those AIs have been somewhat devalued by the commentary at that time. The “treatment” Gooch received in 05 for instance is still talked about, but you won’t hear much about what Michael Murphy supposedly endured in 2014.

The big players will always be targeted for special treatment, that’s a give, the great players will be able to look after themselves better though.

Conversely you had 5 minutes of post match coverage on Justy McMahon’s “underhand” job on Murphy last year, just so as to get the agenda into focus.

For the masses, the media are an influential grouping. The unfair reputation that Tyrone have developed over the years has stuck with them and while there is no doubt that they haven’t helped that with certain incidents throughout the years, the bottom line is the things they get slaughtered for are all carried out by the other things but when it is Tyrone, or to a lesser extent, another Ulster team, it is blown out of proportion.

For the sheeple who cannot not make independant assesments, yes the media are influential.
You are a fool to listen to them. You are an awful gobshite to spend half your life being bitter about it

A fool to listen to them?

It’s them who have half the country repeat their inaccurate assertions, who have figures trying to influence disciplinary bodies and referees to take action against us. Listening to them is not the issue, it is the impact that they have which is the issue.

Its painful how stupid you are

That’s reassuring from you.

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I forgot to say that my favourite bit of today’s Galway-Meath game was the first minute and a half of the second half, as a cheesy country and western soundtrack continued to be blared over the loudspeakers as the game went on. It stopped just as Paul Conroy was hitting the opening point of the second half - it was still playing as he kicked the ball, but had stopped by the time the ball went over the bar.

[quote=“dodgy_keeper, post:628, topic:21520, full:true”]
Kerry are every bit as cynical as any other team - [/quote]

Correct and it isn’t new to them. Ask @myboyblue about the act of thuggery perpetuated on a young Tommy Murphy
(a garsĂșn of 16/17 in the s/I of 1936/37). Miko Doyle was I believe the attritionist.

Based on todays shennagins, particularly Donaghy and O’Mahoney, it’s second nature, tho’ their will to win is admirable.


I presume Kerry will appeal and Alan Fitz will have his red card overturned in due course. The man should be applauded for landing that many boxes rather than punished. Hopefully McLoones red will be downgraded to a second yellow, and everyone can just get on with things. No further investigation required.