2017 All Ireland Senior Football Championship

The thinking with Donaghy is often that you need height. Reality is you need a cute warrior. Canty beat Donaghy more time than not and he was not amazingly tall. He was a great defender though.

Vaughan is an impressive footballer in many aspects, however i have nothing to reference woth him doing this before. And Donaghy is very often over focused on and from memory he actually doesn’t seem to have, 2014 aside, too many consecutive games ina row playing to his best.

Dublin v Kerry final.

Mayo v Tyrone final. With bottles tyrone to lose by 5 to mayo

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Tell me how you think Tyrone will beat Mayo.

I find this facinating. I would say 40% of people i read or talk to think Tyrone will win. Not one has been able to give a reason why though.

Surely Vaughan won’t actually play full-back? I’m fairly sure he’s been named wearing number 3 before and actually played further up the pitch. Barrett will probably pick up Donaghy.

You mean Dublin? They’ll simply catch them on the hop. That dub team has been gutted and been replaced by young new superstars who have a lot to prove. Tyrone have the system to really hurt the dubs. Dubs coming in so cold.

That’s very possible and Vaughan did wear number 3 last year playing midfield, but I think he is as well equipped as anybody to deal with Donaghy.

Durcan might come in for one the forwards, possibly Doherty.

For me Keith Higgins is the player you want being a free man in defence.

Stevie McDonnell suggested leaving Donaghy unchallenged catching the ball is the key to stopping. Apparently Conor gormley done it a few times.

You need to be very sure that both the goal and the other forwards are covered by defenders in that case. Donaghy’s hands are so quick.

It’s really only an option if the ball in is not good.

Tyrone double teamed Donaghy brilliantly in 2008. Justin McMahon would contest the ball, just make sure Donaghy didn’t catch it, and Joe McMahon would hoover up the break.

You could imagine Barry Moran and Keith Higgins doing a similar thing but I’m not sure if Moran is even in the squad for this match.

This is the strongest the Dublin squad has ever been.

But i mean actually tell me how they will do it?

What are the match ups?
What tactics that Tyrone have showed us will beat Dublin and why?

Nobody can cos they are just listening to media build them up, especially RTE who feel guilty about Harte.

Tyrone really should have beaten Mayo last year.

Dublin aren’t used to wars and they don’t like them on the rare occasions they happen. They’ve only been involved in three real wars - Donegal 2011 and 2014 and the Mayo 2016 draw. You need to go to war against them. Dublin don’t do anything particularly flash, they just make good, simple, fast decisions through intelligent use of space and good angles of running. Their strength is collective rather than individual.

The key to beating them is to unsettle them at every opportunity, disrupt their thought processes and get them to start making bad decisions. You need to be prepared to do it for the whole game and stick with it. It took half an hour for Donegal to have any success with that plan in 2014.

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Not as strong a Team though. Tyrones who’ll defense of system and quick counter is built specifically to topple the dubs. I’ve never seen a team across the board to have such point taking ability. I think cian o Sullivan has gone back a lot while there still weak at midfield. I think their forwards are being talked up a lot but a lot of them are easily shackled by a good team compared to alan and Bernard brogan.

Ulster will say no to the dubs again

Jim Gavin is 0/1 in semi finals against the Ulster Champions in All Ireland Senior football.

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Tyrone don’t give away cheap frees, they don’t cough up easy chances, they are superbly organised defensively. That is how they will win. Tyrone have proven you wrong all Championship so ignorance is nothing new to you.

I’m confident Tyrone can beat Dublin. You’re not really as confident as you proclaim to be re Dublin’s chances.

Canty and Lucey were physically strong enough to challenge his positioning before the ball came in


what’s your match ups buddy??..I’ve a feeling Harte will detail mcarron to mark Kilkenny…

Nearly never bulled the cow

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My worry for Tyrone is if it’s tight after an hour will they have the belief/balls to dig out a win.

They should have beaten Mayo last year but when the game was there to be won it was Mayo and Lee Keegan in particular who grabbed the game by the scruff of the neck to get Mayo over the line.

12 months on, can we say Tyrone will do the same thing ? We just don’t know but I would certainly trust Dublin more to get the job done if it is tight late on.