2017 All Ireland Senior Football Championship


The sky is not blue

You can change the narrative, not the facts.

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Funny how the narrative is subject to small slights of luck. Holmes and Connolly were ran out of Mayo for losing at AI SF in a replay to Dublin and they didnā€™t make a controversial selection in that replay which ended up costing them.

I know ypu are ignorant but i didnā€™t have you down for just dumb.

Luck does not change the narrative. It may change the facts. The narrative is down to the narrator.

Rochford made some poor decisions on the line I thought yesterday. Moran was playing well for me, at least there was worse still left on. That said had Higgins not been sent off, Mayo would have beaten Galway and thereā€™d be no one questioning Mayoā€™s credentials. I donā€™t see what Mayo have improved on from last year though. If Galway werenā€™t so stupid from kickouts they 'd have beaten them comfortably

Connolly appealing his suspension according to the Irish News

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Cillian Oā€™Connor canā€™t function without Moran there to make the hard yards for him.

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Andy Moran is the only one who can find him when he goes hiding.

What a cunt.

Oh donā€™t go upsetting @carryharry now. He was fuming yesterday when I commented on Cillian Oā€™Connor going into hiding.

He had to appeal by Friday I believe
Unless it went in last minute on Friday, but surely it would have gotten out by now

Oā€™Connor really is something to behold when you see him up close. The narkiest cunt in the game. Himself and Declan Kyne marking each other was like when Kieran McKeever used to mark Peter Canavan. Except Oā€™Connor took on the McKeever role, not the Canavan one. More interested in pulling and dragging than playing football. He clearly went looking for Tom Flynn to barge into and fall over as if heā€™d been shot when Flynn got black carded.


You never answered the Higgins question.

Heā€™s a grade A wanker but gets a free pass on his behaviour.

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Great news :clap:

Time to stand up to the witch hunt and the hypocrisy of the GGA. Some Muldoon manhandled a ref in the Galway game yesterday and not a peep in the Culchie media about it.

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Confirmed by RTE. Ah this is wonderful. Anyone, at any grade, in the GAA who takes a bad is a tard in this day and age. If your CB or management dont go to bat for you, you should realise youā€™re utterly shit and inconsequential and maybe find a new hobby.

This is all about a sickening sense of entitlement.

A sickening sense of entitlement on the part of the muldoon cunts in the GAA and the media that they think they can unjustly ban the countryā€™s finest player just because heā€™s a Dub, and to try and draw attention away from the fact that Kerry are now proven to be drug cheats.

Weā€™re going to take the GAA to the cleaners and destroy them, and when weā€™re finished with them, theyā€™ll never dare try and ban another Dublin player ever again.

This is war.

Not sure what it is but are you asking are managemebt respinsible for his red?

Anti Dublin bias? From the GAA? :joy:


Killarney for the Munster football final again this year - Frank must be seething.

The cunt is going to drag everyone down there for the hurling quarter finals.