My family have a great tradition in the ol ToW.
Jesus when you put it like that
It’s not a euphemism mate
Your father tugged your brother off into your mother who was also his sister.
We were the tactical nous of the side. There was a place for everyone. Every team needed a heavy set fella at the back mate. It was what the fat lads did before anyone played rugby.
A safer pastime
No tgey didn’t. When things flowed well Galway had 12-13 lads hopping off the ground. When things went against the hem they had 5-6.
Dublin are at the hem heir best when chips are down. That’s the difference.
I think Galway shat the course big thehemheirime over last few weeks.
I would say Walsh has done what he can. Problem is if he goes Tally probably does too.
They need a fucking spirt psychologist too. They have a system but not a performance mindset.
I do believe they have the tools to be highly Competitive.
The penalty yesterday was so pathetic though. It showed gaps in prep.
A safer pastime
Going the length and breadth of the country with 6 strong men for a good pull against another 6 strong men above in a field at the back of the church. You’d be competing for a keg sometimes, so there’d often be times you’d go home full to the gills of cream after a good pull with your six friends.
Great times I’d say.
They need Kieth Earls.
Still not getting it.
Can you type it again there please.
Agreed in the most part. I think Galway are close but lack steel. We now need a manager who can instil that in them. Walsh has been given ample time but progress has been too slow.
Agreed in the most.part. I think Galway are close but lack steel. We now need a manager who can instil that in them.
They need Kieth Earls.
Thee man for the job.
Without any doubt.
Must have hunger back. Has stayed close to game. Knows what it takes
And has Galway connections.
Works there too ya? Still at Boston Scientific?
He works for Coca Cola and has taken a career break to manage Westport where he is getting big money, apparently.