2018 All Ireland Senior Football Championship

@glenshane doesn’t know if he is coming or goiing

@glenshane seems to be a sound enough sort but he is been found out on the INTERNET- a few schooling’s are no harm tho

as an aside on the half seven sports news on radio1 earlier racing, women’s amateur golf and champions league qualifiers featured ahead of a few passing comments ahead of the sunday’s final…its probably is reflective of the interest tho

@glenshane has taken his schooling on this thread very badly.

Sickening to see such shit literally spilling out into real life.

the dash of that second vehicle is an absolute disgrace.

Tell you what sid, tass and Mick. I asked cicero a couple simple questions, relating to an article he posted. He hasn’t the balls to answer. Maybe the three of you could rummage around and see if you can help him…Maybe the three of you can manage a set between you.

Mate, thats the TFK way, dont be minding the boys. You’re doing grand. An in depth analysis of Ulster Club football is just what this thread needed in the lead up to the dullest All Ireland Final in living memory.

That also counteracts your suggestion of sabotaging themselves

Here, two clubs have shared the last five senior club titles in Dublin - is Tyrone therefore a stronger football county than Dublin?

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WIll this thing even be a sell out? What’s the ticket rush like at the moment?
The gga club in Lux got 2 tickets allcated for the hurling final - 50 names in the draw to buy them
1 ticket for the football final - 4 names in for it


Nope. The Dublin Champions got knocked out by a Wicklow side last year. Is Wicklow stronger at club level than Dublin?

I wouldn’t like to speculate on such issues. I was only applying the same criteria to Derry club football vs Tyrone club football to Dublin clubs vs Tyrone clubs.

So why won’t you apply the same criteria to Wicklow clubs?

No problem. I’ll use apply your original criteria.

There have been two winners of the Wicklow SFC in the last five years.

This is the same as in the Dublin SFC so, at best, we can ascertain that the club game in each county is at the same standard.

Yes, fucking YES

The Pomeroy-born singer will perform Come on Tyrone on Saturday’s night’s Up For The Match on RTÉ.

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Will she be calling for Mickey Harte to throw the blanket defence on the ground?


No. Mickey harte will be calling on the blanket defence to throw themselves to the ground

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I am predicting a bit of a walloping.

Up to this week I would have said Dubs by 2-4.

But the build up recently has been all about Tyrone. An absolutely astonishing amount of ex players coming out talking them up. That documentary would not have helped

Dubs as ever like mice

Talent wise and ability wise the gap has closed from last year. Just cannot help but feel Tyrone are bluffing the prep a bit.

Dublin by 12