2019 LOI season premier division- #thegreatestleagueintheworld

Carr making a difference

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Very dissapointing from Pats
Started second half slowly allowing UCD (or the students if you wish) to equalize
Cross for equalizer should have been prevented
Pats had loads of play but I think only 1 shot on target
3 goals on 4 games is poor
Draws with Harps and UCD is not good either

sorry lads
just after a shower and a bit of dinner there - was a huge checkpoint (armed ) on the road down from the house on the way home - i bid them good evening and kept going
on tonite - i saw nothing that dosent suggest Dundalk wont win this thing with a bit to spare really- rovers did ok and in the second half i was happy to see Byrne come back into it but he was gone again for last 20 mins, Dundalk look at about 70% tuned - they have benson to come back also ffs

Rovers were solid dont get me wrong and Carr will score against Finn Harps , etc but its a different situation up against Gartland there and Hoare ,he’s like a fella from a circus at times - you cant really start him, - Grace and Finn were excellent for Rovers - O Brien did very well on Hoban but by fuck he cannot pass a ball
MOTM Sean Murray for me - some signing that fella

it was good manly stuff tonight in fairness - Finn, Murray and Shields went at it hammer and tongs - when Byrne and Maceniff get space they are lovely players but its not something that comes naturally in these contests

A good tactical game somewhat spoiled by odd refereeing

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what did you make of Robert Goggins comments in the editorial of tonight’s Hoops Scene?
very well made points on match programme purchasing etiquette and also it was interesting how he tries to predict the print numbers


Please take a photo of said article and upload to the forum - this sounds like something I want to read.

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What’s the story with Athlone town this season, I thought they were all but extinct,
Have they got their shit together?

i will sid
sorry about that - ill get it up there in a bit

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beat cobh tonite 1-0 - first away win for them in 2 years
it a lot different set up now - they’ve beaten wexfoed and dundalk reserves in LSC already this season
i see darren meenan signed for them as well

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Still a cuntishly badly run club. No one goes to watch them.

really enjoyed this one- that;s ahead of monday’s game - i never knew that cup existed

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Much obliged. I’m pretty sure Goggins has been doing those editorials for decades, hence his reference to the first game at the RDS.

Bohs used to have a smashing programme in the early 1990s. David Ledwith was the editor. I’ve no idea whether he’s still involved or even still around.


Hoops are on tonight

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@mickee321, did you hear that scumdalk fans were giving out about the toilets in tallaght

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compared to their away section?

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