2019 LOI season premier division- #thegreatestleagueintheworld

They’ve some neck,fuck all easy fans toilets in their own kip+ no away stand


Rovers deserve their 1-0 at half time.
Mikey Drennan missed a sitter for Pats but Rovers creating more.
A windy night so not helping things (as Kloppo might point out), Pats kicking into the wind in second half.

Caulfield has to be gone lads

Do you actually think this could happen? I’d be shocked

A Gearoid Morrissey brace has CC back ahead 2 - 3.

Caulfield is a stonewall Cork legend

Big win for your boys tonight @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

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4-3 now. Less than 10 of normal time left

A very comfortable 1-0 win for Rovers.
3 goals in 5 games for Pats tells it’s own story

Hoops are top of the league

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Doing ok

Cork city hang on for a 3 - 4 win. Catapulted to mid-table.

Hang on? By all accounts we were magnificent

ominous from Dundalk
w,r,t Caulfield i am aware of his status in Turners X however that hoofball dosent sit easy with me
ah he wont be going anywhere much like his team this season

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Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh heard it all before

Heard someone describe Bohs as———-they are no longer a Football Club they have declared themselves a socialist political movement.
Mulling over tonight’s game, Rovers were impressive. Good squad. Anything outside of top 2 should be viewed as dissapointing season

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Bohs sold their stadium a few years ago yet are now calling themselves the community club


Rovers sold their ground and then cosied up to the establishment like shameless junkie cunts

Rovers owners sold their ground against the fans wishes, bohs fans sold their ground

Im not sure what you are getting at with the cosying up to the establishment point

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