2020 Hurling and Football Club Championships

Never change Davy Byrne

Jason Whelan should be shot with balls of his own shite for starting that. Gobshite like him should know better

Ballymun in that documentaru complaining that other teams call them scumbags.

If it looks like a duck…

Rock with a great calf stretch there after missing.

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There defo seemed to be eye gouging from both there.

Whelan has always been a scrote

That he has.

Croke’s have left this behind them something shocking.

There was. Not excusing the retaliation but the Crokes lad clearly did it first and then went whinging to the ref afterwards.

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Agree absolutely.
Stupid and poor from both.

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Ah I thought Ballymun were much better.

I dunno. I thought Ballymun were better overall

He did indeed. Bizarre stuff. Unless there was something before the camera came on them which isn’t entirely unlikely

Yes but Croke’s missed a sight of chances, that penalty first and foremost.

Yeah possibly. But it seemed more grabbing. Anyway don’t gouge someone and then complain about it being done to you.

Ballymun were there to be gotten though, for the talent at their fingertips they really are less than the sum of their parts.

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That was great. Lots of good football and a liberal sprinkling of thuggery .


The way you want the GAA to be :clap:

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