2021 All Ireland Football-Covid is a cod tyrone style

No. Iā€™ve actually been very up front about that when guys like @the_man_himself have tried to speak conclusively about things they neither know or understand.

In an ideal world.do you expect them to be given a preseason?

They fucked up. They are suffering the consequences


No sign of Mark Moran or Fionn McDonagh near the Mayo 26. Two players who I thought were very promising.

In an ideal world, they have asked for an extra week so that they can monitor the fitness levels adequately of the infected players.

Never so much as stepped inside a training field and he thinks he knows what an IC session entails :roll_eyes:

Moran is injured I think according to my Mayo mole. McDonagh is out of favour.

Iā€™ve won a Bob Radcliffe Cup. Iā€™ve played semi-pro football. Youā€™re a lad who was too fat so he took to the golf course.

Didnā€™t they already get an extra week for that? What happens when they arenā€™t fully happy next week.

Fuck off out of it

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Surely the energy and madness that Mayo bring is the worst match an uninspired Dublin could be going into ā€¦

Itā€™s made no difference to them. The 17 players are still impacted because they have had no time to assess their fitness.

The funny thing here is if it was Kerry doing this, the amount of boiling piss and righteous indignation youā€™d rain down on the board would be frightening.


Theyā€™ve had a week extra and done nothing, the same amount of time as theyā€™re asking for again. What happens when they arenā€™t happy next week?

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I wouldnā€™t.

Iā€™m not giving out about the issue. Iā€™ve said Tyrone should have fielded a team.

I just think itā€™s a ridiculous assertion that you think itā€™s easy to make a judgement call on 17 players without having the proper time to assess their fitness and the impact of Covid on them. An extra week clears that issue up. The GAA have a tough decision to make as they have to close the season off so I can understand that.

I didnā€™t say it was easy. I said it was possible. And it is. But Tyrone have drawn a line and said no.

I think Kerry scared the shit out of them in the league

Itā€™s not possible for those 17 players. Thereā€™s 17 of them you have to make a judgement call on a matchday squad of 26.

Those 17 players are out if that match is next week or else you run the risk of potentially having multiple unfit players involved.

So there are two options.

a) Draft in others to replace the 17 ruled out
b) Forfeit

Iā€™d have gone with a)

Thereā€™s 19 left, right? So you just need 7 of the 17. Pick the 7 fittest/least affected and go from there. Do a bit of a test to ensure theyā€™re healthy enough to play. Theres your 26

Theyā€™re missing some of their best players.

Kieran McGeary
Mattie Donnelly
Ronan McNamee
Brian Kennedy
Niall Sludden
Darren McCurry

are some of the names Iā€™ve heard.

Thatā€™s 6 starters from the Monaghan game.

Do you think Kerry would be trying to play this game in the same circumstances or would they be lobbying for a week longer.

Do you think they would want to go into an All Ireland semi final with the likes of Oā€™Shea, the Cliffords, Gavin White and Geaney unavailable.

Names youā€™ve heard? Sure thats it so. Have another week there and a challenge match to make sure ye are full tipping
