2021 All Ireland Football-Covid is a cod tyrone style

Dessie is a dolt.

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The Malahide Road training camp in breach of Covid regulations/guidelines has casta long shadow.


Is he sacked yet?

They fell back into the Dessie / Ciaran Whelan era style of play at the end, just running around and smacking the opposition in the face.


That was an awful match … Compelling because of the circumstances but an awful standard.

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The winning was Cora standing up to the RTE/GAA/Dublin unholy cartel


A real throwback to 2006. Minus the buzz when Jayo or Mark Vaughan got the ball.

I’ll have a word. It won’t happen again.

Kerry 1/2

Couldn’t have luck for it

Shocking end to the decade of dominance. Abject performance in the second half and extra time. To only score 4 points in that time shocking stuff. Lost all the composure they had in the last few years.

Yeah Mayo would have to improve massively but Kerry will be very confident and might be out of practice.

Tis a great day for Ireland. Well done Mayo. It’ll be worth listening to the cunts for the next 3 weeks


Con needs to join the hurlers now he’d make some difference

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Cluxton walked because of it.

But isn’t that your trademark move?


That game will really stand to Mayo they’ve a right good chance now in my opinion


Mayo scored 5 points in the 50 mins that AOS was on the pitch - at least 2 were long range frees by Hennelly.

Mayo scored 12 points in the 45(ish) mins that AOS was off the pitch - I counted 9 of those from play.

It’d be madness to be carrying a player like that in the team.


I dont want to sound mad or bitter but COC’s fall off was so dramatic this year that I wonder was he juicing.

Yeah they will be favourites or second favourites every year and will win more than anyone else. But you need a brilliant management and a certain mindset and culture to always win the tight games like that team did. No amount of structures and coaching at underage can create that.

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Even if Dessie Farrell is an idiot in training COC must still know what he needs to do to condition himself like before. Supposedly Bernard Brogam did most of his conditioning himself over the winter out on the beach.

Could it be a covid disruption thing?