2021 All Ireland Football-Covid is a cod tyrone style

McKiernan flying.

Gough once again allowing defenders get murdered coming out from the back without blowing up.

Cathal O’Mahony looked very good in the league but he’s out with a bad hamstring injury.

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Kilpatrick has started very well for Tyrone in midfield.

Gough reffing this one like the arrogant wanker he is. Ignoring blatant fouls and then delaying the game to lecture players for the most petty of things.

What a fucking score from McCurry. Best score of the weekend.

8 point win for Cork. It will get ugly in Killarney.

Very soft yellow for Sludden there.

Some smashing scores here. Very high quality.

Harte being dragged by 3 players there with the ball at the back, no free given and then a soft free awarded to Cavan.

Gough is such a wanker, it’s about time his inability to call a foul on a defender gets some major coverage.

Magnificent again from McCurry.

Another for Dazzler :fire:

Level again.

Mattie Donnelly struggling badly to have an impact on the game.

Dazzler with his 6th of the first half.

Kilpatrick has been superb.

Fuck off Gough.

Red rover

Looks like a blood injury for Richie Donnelly. Kennedy is momentarily.

Tyrone lead by 4 at HT.

A 6/10 performance so far. Cavan have been game and from last year’s form it’s important Tyrone don’t get complacent here. McCurry has been on fire and without him Tyrone not be winning. We look a rabble on kickouts still, nothing has improved there. Mattie Donnelly looks lost out there, he’s been played inside but not having any impact.

Kilpatrick has been excellent in the middle, made some great fetches and driving runs and set up a few scores with good passes inside. Richie Donnelly also having a decent game, we are defending well enough at the back but there has been a case of a few times where players were abdicating responsibility and allow men run in unmarked.

It’s frustrating how easy we are allowing Cavan build from the back, little pressure on them getting their kickouts off.

Entertaining game so far. Played at a fairly fast pace.

Tee McCann for McGeary.
Kennedy for R Donnelly

Good to see Tyrone having too natural midfielders out there

Another beauty from the Dazzler, dummies left, right and centre.

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