2021 All Ireland Football-Covid is a cod tyrone style

You’re rattled fat boy. Go haul you big fat Garda behind around a golf course, it’s the only form of “exercise” you get.

Rattled is the fella that can’t handle the simple truth. Never played the game and he a staunch ulster republican :rofl:



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Ah I dont think he went to break his jaw — that’s pure psycho… He went to hit him hard alright, no one’s denying that. But there’s a difference between hitting a lad a good wallop and seriously hurting him.

It depends on what jersey he’s wearing

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You can’t mean to break someone’s jaw really but the intent was to hurt the man. He saw an opportunity and took it. The head dipped and it was the worst possible outcome for the poor chap.


I can handle the truth. You’re a fatboy and I’m a successful sportsperson. You seem unwilling to grasp that I have sporting pedigree and you don’t and you seem intent on spinning falsehoods now because you don’t understand sport.

Small even turned his name upside down !

Seems you’re now intent on deflecting from your bullshit.

Ah, it happened in less than a second… anyway, we’ll never truly know. The players are bigger, stronger , faster than ever before … who’d be a ref. They need more help.

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Imagine the damage a shoulder from someone with a giant chip on it could inflict? :open_mouth:

Yeah - hurt is giving a lad a good hard rattle… injure is completely different. The problem is A often lends to B…


Exactly. The intention of a shoulder is to hurt opponent and turnover the ball. When it is mistimed or executed wrong it often results in injury. 100 percent Small intended the former but not the latter imho.


You don’t understand gaelic football for all the essays you will write. Joanne Cantwell has more football played than you

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How can he attempt a genuine shoulder front on?

l -

It was not front on

Joanne has more all stars that the forum combined in fairness


You don’t understand mate but there’s no need to be vitriolic about your ignorance.

We know only halfwits go into the Gardai, so maybe your profession enables your ignorance and stupidity to have the final say. But it’s quite clear you neither understand the rules or the game.

It was front on.

That’s the proof.

Small comes in from the front. There is no angle to hit him on the shoulder there, he would have to be coming from the side.