2021 All Ireland Football-Covid is a cod tyrone style

I don’t think Small went to do him.

But he went for the big hit and executed it wrong. He got too much of the elbow in and ended up catching McLaughlin around the face.

There was blood on the pitch apparently. Anyone who says there wasn’t anything wrong with that is talking through their arse.

As for the ref, once he waved play on there wasn’t much he could have done in retrospect.


Lane’s main issue, other than a string of dubious decisions and that, was he lost control to the extent he had to blow early for full time. In an AISF.
Christ it happened me in a ladies league match in Lancashire two years ago, and I’m still not the right of it.


That’s why it should be reviewed…

Of course he went to do him. What was the point of it otherwise?

He went to do him. McLoughlin was never facing him shoulder on at any point. It was a nasty, malicious and dangerous hit and a stone wall red card.

In order to have any sort of cover from a red card in a mistimed shoulder charge, you at least need to have some sort of angle to have timed the shoulder properly. Small had none, he went to do McLoughlin - he may not have meant to do him that badly but there was no intent there for a fair shoulder unless he thinks McLoughlin’s chest was his shoulder.


But the referee saw it and took no action.

Not sure how much can be done in that situation.

A bit like Pickford on Van Dijk,

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The result of a mistimed shoulder is a free in almost every circumstance.

Not a man lying in hospital with a broken jaw and a concussion.

Small nailed him. If you think otherwise you are naieve as fuck

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Having been seven up and cruising. They were tired, being overrun and panicking.

He must be very proud

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He went for a big shoulder to shoulder hit to rattle Mayo and give the boost to Dublin.

He executed it terribly and should have been punished but I don’t think he meant to break his jaw.


He went to hurt him, and he got what he wanted.

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He meant to hurt him.

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He went for a big hit into McLoughlin’s chest? At what point was McLoughlin in line with Small for shoulder challenge?

Let’s just call it what it was. It was a filthy hit on a guy who was never open for a shoulder challenge from where Small was coming from.


That’s it. Nailed.

You still haven’t a notion, zero games played

At which point did he expect to shoulder a man who is front facing him from the front. The only way you can execute a shoulder in that circumstance is coming in from the side.

Run along fat boy, leave this chat to the athletes and sportsmen.

I haven’t doubted that he executed it all wrong but I don’t think his intention was to cause him bad injury.

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Fulltime keyboard jockey ≠ athlete.

You’ve never given or taken a shoulder in your life


Well what do you think’s going to happen when you try and shoulder a guy front on and full tilt? Small isn’t an idiot, he was fully aware what he doing, he was fully aware he had no prospect of timing a legitimate shoulder challenge. He went in to McLoughlin, it’s irrelevant on whether he meant to hurt him badly, he went in to do him and did him badly.

He has no cover of mistiming it or misjudging it as he was never at an angle to execute it. He was never in a position to execute it, so it wasn’t he did it wrong. He did the player which was his motivation.