2021 All Ireland Football-Covid is a cod tyrone style

I couldn’t agree more. The throw-in of a hurling and football matches might as well switch to a soccer-style “kick-off”.

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Deegan was standing within 10 yards of Hennelly telling him not to hit the first one because Mayo had 16 on the field and it had to be sorted. When Hennelly was kicking the retake Deegan was back out on the sideline where he should be. You’re not wrong that Lane had generally lost it by then - I expect seeing a lad go off in the manner Mclaughlin did would mess with any referees head because he knew he had missed something big - but he was working under instruction by Deegan on the Hennelly incident.

Very good point.

Poor John Small…Put Keegan in jail …


I wonder who decked the mayo lad in the background

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That looks like a clear red card.


The reality is it wasn’t John Small’s first rodeo. He was sent off in the 2017 final, should have been sent off in the 2016 final and is regularly clouded in controversy. People say that’s because all good players play on the edge but I can never remember his former half-back colleague Jack McCaffrey ever being involved in any kind of skullduggery like that.

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Ridiculous comparison

Ah lovely - everyone either side of the camera in that comes off badly :laughing:


Was sent off in the 2018 final too.

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I know Small plays a more confrontational role but it’s just an example that shows playing on the edge isn’t necessary to be a great and win. A lot of the skirmishes he gets into are unnecessary and don’t really assist the team in any way.


A liability. You’d understand a certain level of tolerance for a generational talent like Diarmuid Connolly.

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Jim wouldn’t go into battle without him.

Jack is grand for the choir but you need a few lads that aren’t afraid of the dark


You need different ways to skin a cat.

You can’t win an All-Ireland with a team of John Smalls but you need a couple of them.

You can’t win an All-Ireland with a team of Jack McCaffre…actually scratch that, bad example. You’d win the All-Ireland final by 30 points with a team of Jack McCaffreys.


That’s an awful challenge, full force into the ribs while JS not braced and completely exposed.

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Sean McMahon sustained a broken leg in the semi-final, according to Paul Flynn.

Specifically in the ‘shoulder’ incident I gather.

Yet we shouldn’t call him a filthy player.