2021 All Ireland Football-Covid is a cod tyrone style

Of course he would have, he rode Mayo all through.


lots of rumours coming out of de duds camp

cluxton falling out with de duds manager over covid, cluxton looking for an apology from farrell in front of the group & farrell telling him to gtf.

whats the lowdnes one @Spidey

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Heard a different rumour about Cluxton.

He rode Mayo but gives them a second chance for a draw because of one of their own transgressions? Seems contradictory

That happened right in fronf me. It was magnificent.
Canning should never be left back onto the pitch after that - he was on another planet.
Looking at the hit again, it seems that Maher may have had his feet off the ground when he impacted with canning, so perhaps it was borderline legal

spit it out

Lane wanted to see him drive it wide again.

Sure you can debate that all day but it’s a waste of time, everyone will just go with their own biases. How many frees have been allowed to stand when the linesman is standing 20 yards in from the sideline telling the kicker not to hit it?

I wouldn’t be too bothered about the retaken 45 - a bit of an odd decision but in any game there’ll be swings and roundabouts with a ref. Ultimately it was for a draw and extra-time, not to win it. The Dubs then had 20 mins to go and win the game - that they didn’t is on them.


Eric is following his teaching dream to dubai

That’s a shite rumour. Use a bit of imagination like


Dublin only scored 4 points in the second half and extra time, any team that only scores 4 points in nearly an hour of football don’t deserve to win the match. Then again if McCarthy had finished the goal chance at the start of the second half that would have killed the game.

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You spotted this coming a mile away

It’s Dermo who has gone to Dubai.

Eric is Bananaman.

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Fellas lose their fucking religion on TFK when a fella gets a knock in the head playing Rubby. There isn’t even a HIA protocol in GAA. Another fella was shouldered off in ET by two medics after getting a straight forearm to the head that has barely warranted a mention.

Both events were red cards with lengthy suspensions in Rubby. The 2nd one by the other Small would get a much longer ban for intent I’d say


Brian Dooher has gone up even higher in my estimation off the back of that comment. “Obviously, vaccination is a personal choice.” It’s an unpopular viewpoint, but 100% correct, given the risk the vaccine poses to young men of myocarditis and pericarditis. Well done Brian Dooher.


GGA isnt a proper sport mate

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I didn’t see where the linesman was standing for the free hit retake but the game and ref was losing all control at that point so it’s hard to compare to other games as it’s really not comparable in that instance. Sure Mayo had a 16th man in a bib on the pitch fighting Dublin players during this segment too.

I find it very hard to believe if that had gone over he would have been made retake it.

That show pony prat AOS should be banned from the final for his behaviour. It’d be doing Mayo a favour so wouldn’t be much of a punishment.


You’re not wrong.

Built like professional scrum halves maybe