2021 All Ireland Football-Covid is a cod tyrone style

McConville was on about the “duty of care” which I don’t think is anywhere in the rulebook either. Not in the tackle definition anyway

Classic gah row in that sense

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John Small would be well advised to come out and do an Off the Ball style interview and express some remorse for McLaughlin’s injury. Get some positive PR out there.

Interesting there’s barely been a murmur from a Dublin player since Saturday night. You’d expect a few tweets or Instagram posts congratulating Mayo and saying ‘we’ll be back’ etc. but bar Philly McMahon, there’s been nothing.

He would in his hole. Send a text and move on.

It is in legal speak.

Them lads have words for everything. They were arguing specifically about the rules

Mcconville was on the money with everything he said except that bit. Not sure did he mean in a moral sense or the rule book? Either way not sure I agree with him. He made a cunt of Flynn in general though. Nice use of the word dung too. Flynn is a bit of a himbo I’d say

All that sweeping of dressing rooms has honed the sweep sweep tactics of the Dubs.

I look forward to a similar production after Saturday’s game :grinning:. “I like the respect side of it” tells you all you need to know…

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Is this Paul Flynn the head of the players association?

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It’s Tom Parsons now.

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John Small is now assured of Jimmy Keaveney/Kieran Duff/Keith Barr/Dermo Connolly style messiah status on Hill 16 and that will be demonstrated when full crowds return to Croke Park in 2024.

He was anyway.

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Tom Parsons is now.

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Not a great look all the same for a fella who was supposed to be the voice of player welfare


Flynner quite rightly defended John Small. John is very mentally tough but even for somebody as tough as him it must be quite unsettling to be vilified in the way he has been.

So there’s a clear player welfare aspect here.

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I wouldn’t say he’s tough, he’s a dirty player.

He’s now the voice of player warfare.


Dublin are the cleanest team in the game. In fact John Small leads the sweeping of the dressing room, so he’s the cleanest player in the game.


Inter county football is war minus the shots. And Dublin took that to a new level on Saturday, refusing to shoot for the last 15 minutes of normal time plus the entirety of extra time.