2021 All Ireland Football-Covid is a cod tyrone style

She was able to present from a shed as well.

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Isn’t that the norm for Tyrone forwards?

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Thats the place for free state freeloaders

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Mike was wired full stop.

I’d say the Covid was a blessing in disguise for Tyrone. So many of their players came face to face with death that they found a new perspective on football and were able to express themselves more freely.

Sure some of them lost a stone weight, no wonder they ran the legs off Kerry.

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My jaw was usually all over the place when I was wired

The usual RTE stirring the shit trying to make out there was something there when there wasn’t. All it shows is what @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy said was correct that Covid doesn’t have the same impact on fit folks than it does on the unfit folks. I will be looking to do my 5k’s faster now hit that magic 22 minute mark, dodgy knees be damned. :slight_smile:

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I definitively predicted Mayo and Tyrone to win their semi-finals. If you’re annoyed about me being right on the INTERNET yet again, that’s even better.

Be great to see Down back at the top table. Along with the likes of Meath and Galway. Lads here talking about Cork hurlers being like mushrooms that can grow over night but the best example I can think of in GAA is Down losing to Wexford and Wicklow in the championship in 2008 and 09’ before a stunning run to the final a year later.

Are there murmurings of a rising again in Down? Won an Ulster U20 this year.

No. Down are the Nottm Forest of bogball alas

There are always footballers in Down, so there is always a chance. They are a division 2 side at the minute despite having a hopeless manager, and some complete duds playing for them, in recent years. If they get the manager appointment right this year who knows, it wouldn’t take a lot to be properly competitive again as the standard across the board is mediocre. Longer term the Ballykinler Centre of Excellence will be key, got planning approval last month but no idea where the money for it will come from.
I’d a great chat with a few from a unionist background in the pub the night James McCartan Senior died. They were talking about the fun they had when down for the game in Dublin on All-Ireland final weekend 2010, taking a bit of slagging off people asking if there was an Orange march on etc. The siege mentality, chip on the shoulder, us against the world approach taken by Tyrone and Armagh isn’t the right fit for Down at all, whatever success it does or doesn’t bring its important that we stay doing things the Down way.


Derry, Down and Meath are all showing signs of awakening. Means nothing if you can’t get a serious set up in place at senior level. Only Derry are showing signs of that. In one way it was delightful but in another way pitiful seeing Chrissy McKaigue and Benny Heron finally being part of a serious senior inter-county team for the first time this year with both the wrong side of 30.

Eamo Fitz, Mike Quirke and Donie Buckley the Kerry dream team.

Something I have seen little or no comment on is the ease in which the Tyrone full backline were able to drift up field and join the Tyrone attack late and kick scores under no pressure.

It wasn’t a case that they were driving put of defence with the ball and linking play. A number of their scores came when Tyrone were recycling the ball in the forwards and one of the full backline would pop up 30 odd yards from goal in spendid isolation available to take a pass and kick a score. Did the Kerry forwards not bother tracking these lads?

There was a clip of it on the Sunday game last night

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Exactly, on sunday game they showed Geaney literally letting marker go and not following.