2021 All Ireland Football-Covid is a cod tyrone style

I don’t think so.

I think the whole reason he didn’t go in with the lads was because he had a son and son-in-law involved.

It’s hardly revealing … he may get a run then again he may not …

You reckon he and Darragh don’t speak?

It wouldn’t make any odds if he was, would Sky be really bothered either?

He protesteth too much initially was my impression

I doubt sky would give a fuck and I doubt it would change what he would or wouldn’t say.

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Who would you have been happy with?

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Maurice has been shafted here.

That’s a good question.

I did give the 5 I didn’t want previously:

Deegan - issues with Tyrone in the past, big Kerry fanboy
Coldrick - again issues with Tyrone in the past
Gough - I wouldn’t say he is prejudiced against us but has a serious ego that is out of control and likes to make game changing decisions on a whim
Lane - just an utterly terrible referee who picks on a team from the offset
McQuillan - again has had issues with Tyrone in the past

I would say Brannigan is probably the best of a bad lot at the minute.

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Advantage Tyrone.

McQuillan has fucked Mayo repeatedly in the past


How so?

We had McQuillan for the Donegal game, he gave two utter ridiculous black cards to Brennan and McGeary and awarded an absurd penalty to Donegal which if Murphy had put in the net it was probably Tyrone’s championship over.

It’s frustrating after already having to overcome McQuillan once this year that we have to do it again.

In moaning about Gough earlier, I thought he did a decent job in the Ulster final, it’s just his ego I worry about and his need to be the centre of attention.

That’s some good talking around the issue without expressing an actual firm position by Egg, his consulting nous hasn’t left him.

It’s very tight for tickets, clubs got tiny allocations, no season tickets and some usual sources are dry. If anyone comes across some and hasn’t a home for them, I’d gladly take them off you for myself and the father.


By being a cunt

There were plenty of tickets about for the semi with Kerry. There actually hasn’t been too much of a buzz around Tyrone before the game probably due all the Covid issues, passed through the Moy yesterday evening and a few flegs were beginning to come out.

I’d imagine the final will have a big clamour going though, what’s the issue with the final now? Does every club in the country still get tickets or will that cease with the limited number and just be divided between the counties involved?

He gave Cillian O’Connor a kick from 35 metres in garbage time of the 2017 final to take the lead and gave them about 2 full minutes to win the ball back off Dublin at the end and Mayo still couldn’t do it.

Really surprising you wouldn’t know how this works :face_with_raised_eyebrow: