2021 All Ireland Football-Covid is a cod tyrone style

But do you reckon it’ll be different?

Not really. The common denominator is usually the free state and their anti-northern bias. If you can’t see the double standards then you must be part of the problem. Are you one of those Kerry fanboys who eulogise how they play football?


How would I know if it’s different or not when I don’t know what happened in bog hockey? Hence the question.

All we have got is a fat Garda who seems scared shitless to address a straightforward question.

But would you think they might do the same as they did in the hurling final?

I asked the question but it seems none of ye know the answer despite all your super roaster grandstanding.

Might it be possible they’ll do the same in your reasoned opinion?

Assume tickets will be distributed in a similar fashion to the furling final.

It’s already been done

Again, you can either answer the question or if you don’t know you can fuck off.

No proper Irish person would ever refer to it as that. Please apologise to the board at once.

But I was merely curious to know, if in your experience of the GAA, you might think, they might use the same methods for distributing tickets for one All Ireland final in the same year, as another?

Bog hockey was invented by the British.

You tried, and very decent it was of you

I’m the one asking the questions here.

You don’t know the answer despite all your super roaster grandstanding so you are of no use.

All I wanted to know was did he think they’d do the same thing, or tear up the plan and try something different. :man_shrugging:

It’s football, mate.

They should hold a draw for the extra ones right across the country

Antrim would be nailed on for the hurling honours if it wasn’t for Free State bias


Hurling was first documented in TĂĄin Bo Cuailgne around 1200 BC.

Did they teach you different propaganda in the British education system?