2021 All Ireland Football-Covid is a cod tyrone style

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

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Grand so. You don’t really know what you’re talking about.

Antrim is a football county.

How would you know?

I’m Irish.

So how would you know what happened 3,200 years ago?

I’m also a History graduate.


You’re right, don’t mind me. Tyrone are saints to a man and it’s all the free staters.
Keep fighting the good e-fight, chief :+1:t2:

Martin Breheny has already called it for Mayo. Get the bonfires lit.

The GAA arent going to allow Tyrone win this. The fix is in.

What is this bog hockey you refer to? You’re a big fan of a game, hardly a sport, which is some bastard child of an entanglement between Association Football and Rugby Football. Perhaps not invented by the British but possibly some bog dwelling Tyrone fucker maybe got confused between the two and introduced this game to other halfwits who thought it was a sport.

Are we on to dog fighting now?

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Tyrone are no worse than every other team when it comes to cynicism/dark arts etc but it you can’t see the narrative that is consistently rolled out when they play then clearly you are part of the problem and are not an honest broker here.

Nobody is claiming Tyrone are saints so it’s disingenuous to portray that argument that nobody is making. What is very obvious is that Tyrone get very disproportionate negative coverage to any controversial incident in contrast with their rivals at AI level.

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This is true of the current side I’d say, though it’s hard to tell on the TV.
I’d love to see mayo win though.

Football is rubby + soccer with hurling rules.

Hurling has been a part of the Irish psyche for thousands of years.

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Same past and present when it comes to disproportionate negative coverage.

I can only imagine the innuendo that would be covered in national media if multiple Tyrone players failed doping tests after national finals for example.

[quote=“Thomas_Brady, post:5282, topic:33202, full:true”].

Hurling has been a part of the Irish psychos for thousands of years.

This too :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

Especially that.


God bless you, sir. When you are in full flow with the shoulder chips all flared up you are a great source of entertainment