2021 All Ireland Football-Covid is a cod tyrone style

What did he say?

He took all the jizz out of the shot.

McGuigan looks to be wearing a scapular.

It’s never really happened for Paddy


Cruciate ended him

Doherty shit himself

Why did he pass it?

Sadly so. Also forever destined to play second fiddle to MM, and to a lesser extent Colm Anthony

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Mother of god what a miss. Derry will be kicking themselves if they lose this.

Jesus Derry have fucked away some goal chances

Should have just taken the point.

Should have went for it himself. Telegraphed the pass.

McFaul again.

Some playee

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Like something you’d see in an underage club match. Get it to the strong lad who can kick a point.

Glen will surely win Derry and Ulster this year under Malachy.

Extra time be great.

Malachy O’ Rourke lookalike umpiring behind the Derry goal there.

Mcguigan is clearly a talent but between today and league final with Offaly he’s missed about 5 goals