2021 All Ireland Football-Covid is a cod tyrone style

McKinless is spent.

Suboptimal decision to shoot there.

That’s silly from the Leicester manager.

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Another late collapse by a Brendan Rodgers team.

I’d say Derry have been the better side for 80% of the game. Would be an fair kick in the nuts to throw it away.

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Clutch from McGuigan.

Unreal from McBrearty. Wow

What a score

Ah Christ

Few Derry players look like they are running on fumes.

McBrearty with the clutch



Derry afraid to shoot there was abysmal

Fucking hell that was absolutely ridiculous by Derry at the end

No ooooft about it. McKaigue had him in his back pocket

Had a few chances there to take a shot and it was pass the parcel time.


FFS they needed to at least try for a point

Fuck it!

At least get the fucking shot off