2021 All Ireland Football-Covid is a cod tyrone style

Sean Meehan can hold his head up high, the rest of them should find a new hobby thst consumes their life

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Lovely portaloos there.

Kerry dominating football, Limerick dominating hurling, the Lions dominating Rugby.

What a time for a few Limerick fellas on here


The English Market will be a quiet place tomorrow

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It’ll be buzzing after the British Lions win.


True actually

That and Patrickswell are the centre points for Oirish support for the Loins

The Cork football team do not cause a ripple in the city, mores the pity obviously but that’s how it is, there was no expectation today so very few will have watched in the weather

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How is that not a black card and penalty? Is that not what the rule is for?

He was about a metre inside the box - the comms - good call by the referee there

Mark Collins must be one of the worst ever displays by a substitute introduced. He should be taken back off.

Mercy is a real Christian value

Cork clearly didn’t do enough crawling on the beach in the dark.


Saving himself for the Nemo game

Cork didn’t show much mercy for the Waterford or Clare minors in the last few weeks

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Mike Ashley will be seething

Tin hat on it there.

Should the free not have been overturned there for dissent or did the ref take pity on Cork?

I’m fairly sure he had a very poor game there for his club in the intermediate final a couple of years back that they won. Like you say, kicking frees off the ground in Croke Park takes a bit of getting used to for some lads.

Scoring from a fist should be top priority for rule changes