2021 All Ireland Football-Covid is a cod tyrone style

Kerry have never beaten Down.

The ball from the 1944 final hung for generations in Murray’s hostelry in Knockcroghery. The place went on fire one night in the late 80’s, a hoor of a fire that took ages to put out. One of the firemen asked Jimmy as the smoke abated “I wonder if the ball is safe” Murray wasn’t too pleased, my business burned to the ground and the fireman worrying about a fkn ball….

He was an absolute gent the late Jimmy Murray RIP.


Dublin beat them in the 1979 semi-final by 1 point.

There was a meeting in the final qualifier round in 2004 also which Dublin won by 4 points.

On both occasions Dublin were soundly despatched by Kerry in their next match.

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I’ve never been rueful after a Kerry success though. I think most neutrals tend to have a liking for them. I was happy for Dublin in 2011 but have been disappointed after each of their subsequent successes. Kerry for all their success seem to keep the neutrals onside.

The same chaps who eulogise Kerry football are the same types who get a vaccine without any critical evaluation.

It may depend where you come from, what your background is and whether you identify with an underdog or not. There is widespread appreciation of Kerry’s achievements and respect for them but in Dublin the general feeling, at least among those who do not have a Kerry background, has always been one of a visceral dislike, even a hatred of them. I’ve celebrated victories by other counties over Kerry almost as much as I did when Dublin beat them in 2011 and 2013, as much as to make no difference.

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We had joy we had fun
We had Kerry on the run
But the fun didn’t last
Cos the bastards were too fast.

That 1979/80 Roscommon team was a hood team and got as close to Kerry in 1980 as any team.

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Galway traditionally had a good record against Kerry until the 70’s. Just ask Micko. They considered Galway their bogey side. It’s been reversed ever since then but there were long spells in there when they didn’t meet at all.

We’ve always had a crap record against Dublin. Even the 3 in a row side lost a final to the Dubs before winning the next 3.

Not sure Ulster are any better though apart from short spells of success for Down and Tyrone.

The unimaginable pressure for poor Ray Cosgrove of taking a free just in front of Hill 16 to win the AI semi-final for the Dubs.

Maybe if they’d taken the hoods off they would have got closer.

Looking back on the final they lost to Kerry would make you wonder all the same. They had strong, resolute backs if somewhat bereft of pace, a functional midfield but McManus aside hadn’t world beating forwards. Good is a little stretch too far, middling would be closer to the truth. It was a bad, ugly final which was similar to the weather on the day.

In short Kerry took out a lad to win the game … quelle surprise !

It’s mad how all the Muldoon’s buy into this narrative how Kerry play good, clean fair football. They are the most cynical side about and always were.


I think back in 30s a northern team was refusing to play Kerry as they were so dirty … Antrim Maybe …the irony … but sure As covid has shown Paddy will believe anything he’s told …he won’t figure it out for himself … you suffer greatly around here for being Italian and having a different view of the world …

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The great Dermot Earley - as good a player as any county produced.

Ya Antrim were blackguarded out of an All Ireland by them. Antrim brought a running game down to Croke Park and were checked and flattened off the ball at every turn.

Tyrone would have been regarded as a nice, clean football team until they faced Meath in 96 and were subjected to 70 minutes of outright thuggery and dirt. That saw a turning point in the Tyrone mentality.

Nowadays we have loads of media commentators from Meath and Kerry who will whine endlessly about cynicism.



Yes it was a bad game. My abiding memory of the day is darkness. The father reckoned Roscommon took on Kerry in a physical battle which they were never going to win and if they’d played football they’d have had a chance. Tim Kennelly absolutely horsed them out of it.

After the game your old club mate whose funeral you and I attended last year who was driving us from Carlow inexplicably chose to drive down Sheriff St to “avoid the traffic”. The car was absolutely pelted with stones by gurriers at the spot where the Luke Kelly head is now.

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:rofl: :rage:

I remember watching a repeat on tg4 about 20 years ago and being surprised at Spillane throwing himself on the ground every time Harry Keegan came near him …