2021 All Ireland Football-Covid is a cod tyrone style

I agree with you.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

How many of the Cork panel were deemed to have tested positive?

Have they trained since?

they can’t have they were all identified as close contacts, which is why the game was put back a week

But when is a close contact deemed ok to return to training?

After they produce a negative test?

I think the issue with Tyrone is that the whole panel was tested on Saturday after a collective training session and there seems to have been quite a significant number of positive Covid tests returned from what I’ve heard.

14 days, don’t think there is a caveat, they won’t have trained

I don’t know why there is such secrecy over disclosing these details. We know there was an outbreak before the Monaghan game, it was fairly clear who the impacted players were. It was the same last year when Hampsey had to miss the league game last year with Mayo due to something Covid related, I’m unsure if he had a positive test or was a close contact.

I think it should be communicated that x amount of players have returned positive tests and x amount of players have to self isolate for whatever period of time. It should be communicated what the impact of returning a negative test in the meantime means and when return to collective training is permitted for all the people in this regard.

The fact that’s an amateur sport and these guys also have jobs to go to, will live with family members who have jobs and everything means it can very easily spread in this situation in comparison to professional sports teams who don’t have the same issues and probably have resources to more closely monitor and prevent outbreaks.

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Tyrone should field the Derrytresk 2012 team.


Ah that couldn’t work. They haven’t been training together, they’ve been on holidays or on the lash a couple weeks. Their heads wouldn’t be right for it either. They wouldn’t feel they’d earned and they’d hardly think they’d win it, it’d be a fools errand. It’d be the same result as the Tyrone seconds going out, a nonsense.

It’d be really really shit but if Tyrone can’t play then it has to be a bye.

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Would they really though?

I’d say they were back playing with their clubs at the weekend for the most part.

A call needs to be made now one way or the other though.

Either Tyrone are told they have to play in 2 weeks time and decide to send up a patched up team out or forfeit and allow Monaghan to step in.

Or the GAA relent and push the match back another week.

The worst case scenario is Kerry get a bye as it damages the integrity of the competition.

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I think you are correct . If Kerry get a bye to the final and if they beat Dublin by 10 points there is an asterisk

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Can Tyrone continue to train together? Surely they are fucked either way now?

I fear playing that Kerry team in a couple weeks would cause irreparable psychological drama to the majority of our team.

I think the integrity suffers as much if you bring in Monaghan. Even if the players are back with their clubs, how do you reunite a county team in time to play such a game? How do they get their heads right for it? They know they’re not there on merit. It couldn’t work, it would be a turkey shoot and it would do no one any good.

Ask Denmark in 1992.

Would Monaghan or a patched up Tyrone team have a better chance. I think either way a fixture should be fulfilled or it really devalues the competition. Do the GAA allow Tyrone more time to recuperate and train for this or do they they make them send out a patched up team. I’d be very disappointed with the county board and management if they just forfeit this game because they are down a number of players.


If Kerry get a bye to the final they won’t have had a game for 6 weeks, a big disadvantage.

Whichever way it goes, Monaghan stepping in is not a solution in my view.

Jesus Christ it could be fucking brilliant for mayo.

I think many counties would appreciate being rewarded with a place in an AI final off the back of beating Clare, Tipp and Cork - regardless of the run in to it.

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Is it a better solution than a patched up Mayo team though?