2021 All Ireland Football-Covid is a cod tyrone style

Keegan played the full game against Galway. O’Hora got a puck in the ribs alright in retaliation for taking Walsh out of the game and had to go off. Mullin is a great bit of stuff, if he is missing on Saturday then it should be a comfortable enough day for Dublin.

That’s right. Was it an earlier game Keegan missed that I got mixed up with?

Aye he returned for the Galway game, age and mileage is clearly catching up with him though and lads like O’Hora and Mullin are more influential now.

O Hora would be a big loss for Mayo. He looked* like a tough enough type for a young fella. You need a few of them.

*against Galway, admittedly.

O Hora isn’t that young hes 28/29?

Really? How long has he been on the panel?

Possibly only the last 2 or 3 years? He was on that RTE Special Forces endurance show and I noticed him in the league playing for them in 2020. Late bloomer I think just

He was on the panel a few years back with Rochford but didn’t see much action. He left football then entirely for a few years to do martial arts, came back and combined the 2 on poor Shane Walsh last month.


I think the corner forward is an ex boxer too. Could be a right nawty tear up Saturday. They’ll go to target costello and paddy small I’d say.

Is Kilkenny good to go? I heard he wasn’t 100%.

Who is that?

O’Donoghue played football underage for Ireland I think.

Yes O’Donoghue. Was supposed to be a fairly decent boxer too.

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ROD was a national underage boxing champion and played underage soccer for Ireland.

Eoghan McLaughlin was a national cycling champion too.

I’ve heard nothing - Kilkenny doesn’t do injury unless it’s a cruciate

He has bulked up something serious this year.


Horan must have put him on the Rory Kavanagh diet in the new year.

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What is this town we call home?
It is Kellie Harrington’s Portland Row.
It is Anton O’Toole’s mountainside grave.
It is Luke’s voice, Behan’s pen, Dermo’s two-footed poetry, Heffo’s wisdom.
It’s your Ma and Da.
It’s Howth as a rising and falling wonderland; a sun-kissed Dun Laoire pier; Portmarnock’s silver strand shimmering.
It’s our matchday safehouses: Briodys, The Palace Bar, The Temple, Pipers Corner, Mulligans, Cassidys.
It’s watching a football team that makes you cry with joy.
It’s belonging.
It’s friendships forged.
It’s a sense of place.
It’s stupid stories, out of tune songs, falling asleep in the taxi home.
It’s love.
It’s Joe McNally and Kieran Duff.
It’s Guinness, coddle, Paul Cleary, Bagatelle, Phillo.
It’s Stumpet City, Fair City, our city.
It’s the masterpiece gifted yo us by Jim Gavin (all bow).
It’s Hill 16.
It’s Grafton St, Stephen’s Green, Trinity College.
It’s Anna Livia, gurgling and proud.
It’s a Sky Blue shirt.
It’s a hug from Frank in The Temple; Seanie reminding us it wasn’t the grass that tickled…
It 's stopping midsentence when that’s the right thing to do.
It’s the way it makes you feel on match day.
It’s history, geography, coming of age.
It’s James McCarthy, square-shouldered, unbending, immense.
It is building an extension to Mount Rushmore: Cluxton, Fenton, Killenny, Con, Bernard, Alan, Philly, Cian.
It is the men who built the road: Mullins, Hickey, Keaveney, Cullen, Hanahoe.
It is where we are from, who we are, the blood that animates us.
It is wanting to compose these interminable messages.
It is a love of our lives.
It is beating Mayo.
It is remembering all that we are.
It is the beautiful gust propelling us through the days.
It is life.
Ath Cliath abu.


@Roy Curtis

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You’ve ruined a few lads Friday nights now.

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Even Roy would be hard fit to better that I’d wager