2021 All Ireland Hurling Final - Cork v Limerick - New Money vs Old Money - Barbados Dollar vs Queens shilling

Downey is nowhere near an intercounty full back. Billy Ryan roasted him against Kk for 45 minutes. He won a few balls then and next thing he was the best thing since sliced bread. Sham Flan had him on toast today and only for his touch was off a few times would have destroyed him altogether


Downey was beat all day. Flanagan is some target man



Downey is unreal boi. Nailed on starter for 22. (Insert norrie hand gestures)


The killer was the Limerick half backs had so much time to pick the ball into the full forwards in the first half. It was almost cruelty watching it.


@Julio_Geordio gave his prediction in the PM group on Friday night said weā€™d destroy their FB line he knew


Ah ya to be fair to Downey Flanagan was galloping into an acre. Not a lot you can do. But he couldnā€™t keep with him at all


The Gillane goal was comical defending after Sham won the ball Downey left Gillane to drift into an ocean of space

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The only sickener I have for sham flan is I had a 5er on him to score a hatrick.

Any donā€™t mind the money. Seamus is the Feohanagh Jesus. I pray to our Lord every day to score over the shoulder and deliver us to Liam. Eamonn


Was watching in the pub so couldnā€™t hear what they were saying but the graphic seemed to suggest lynch assited 2-10 today? Canā€™t be right. Is that last pass before the score or what way is it calculated

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Think itā€™s involvements

Yeah 2-10 between scores and assists

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Eighteen touches

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The handpass over the shoulder and the flick into his hand on the turn. ICONIC


If they leave Downey full back for the next 5 years it would be dreamland as he is as slow as cruise liner going for a turn. They need a full back with at least a semblance of pace. He is brutal.


IMO Joyce should be centre back next year but donā€™t know what weā€™ll do about full back. I donā€™t give a shit how young Joyce is, heā€™s made of the right stuff and we need a true 6. Coleman to midfield where he will blossom.

Spillane perhaps for fullback if he comes back in good health? We simply donā€™t have the options at full back. The likes of Oā€™Leary and Lyons are great prospects to look forward to at FB in time but not for a while.

I thought that NOL and SOD were hung out to dry today. Impossible to defend those Limerick forwards with 30 yards of space in front of them, and the likes of Hayes delivering ball inside with the freedom of Croke Park. Soul destroying to see Kyle Hayes receiving a puc out with loads of space around him.


Weā€™re just better than ye by 16 points suck it up Tipp obliterated us in 2009 same story for ye yesterday

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If you read my post earlier youā€™ll see that Iā€™m not sour at all. Limerick were truly awesome.

Donā€™t worry I know how good Limerick are. I just felt Cork got several things wrong that played into Limericksā€™ hands. Even at our best we would have been well beaten, but it would have been nice to stay competitive for longer.


Youā€™ve awful hate in you for someone I suspect is more good than bad.


I found it utterly shocking the way Cork approached the game tactically, it was as if they were not expecting Limerick to target the fullback line. But maybe it didnā€™t matter ultimately as they were beaten in every position on the field.


Well done Limerick
Didnā€™t see hear or listen to it and wonā€™t now after reading comments on twitter,
REBELS ABU nevertheless, no shame being beaten by a better team,
Obviously best team won no argument