2021 All Ireland Hurling Final - Cork v Limerick - New Money vs Old Money - Barbados Dollar vs Queens shilling

Disgusting post.


This guy fucks

Delighted for Barry Nash. Solid as a rock for two years. Always seemed to get looked over in the big games. Might not get an all star but at least got some recognition last night


Heā€™s been excellent all year and a nailed-on All-Star.


Does Derek McGrath do a follow up article? Can someone post it please. Iā€™d say he is in his element now writing an article about how Cork needed to play with 3 sweepersā€¦


Youā€™re laughing now but wait til next March and you will have teams doing itā€¦

I had to do my famous freeze frame analysis on the Cian Lynch incident ā€” there was a real dirty strike on Lynch by Downey- he struck out like Gillane against Barrettā€¦ Just as Lynch turned to run back at Downey Tim Oā€™Mahony comes in and drives into him and Lynch saw red - it was dangerous, he could have hurt TOM ā€¦ Mulcahy saw the strike on Lynch and was incensed- very unlike him to get riles up so you know it was dirt ā€¦ you can see him punching Downey in the arm when heā€™s on the ground just after the whistle has gone ā€¦ Then in the melee Downey gives Mul a shove againā€¦ Fuck him, the lanky piece of piss - and aboy the kid Mul!!


ffs only 7 counties actually play hurling

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If Cork have ambitions of putting an end to the famine, they need to spend the winter in the gym beefing up. I think their biggest mistake yesterday was assuming that having pace was enough to win it for them. Iā€™m not having a go here but I do think for all his hurling brain, Donal Oā€™Grady (the Cork version) is still stuck in 2004/2005 where pace was a major factor


Pace is still a factor. But Limerick had it in spades too.

Cork just arenā€™t good enough. Took many average hurlers. Looking at their minors, that wonā€™t be the case for long


Thereā€™s many a slip between cup and lip

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Cork did the opposite allowed entire half back line get pulled out past halfway.

Theres not much you can say after that

At one stage in the 2nd half Quaid was pucking the ball into 60 x 30m of empty space


You woukdnt see it in a club match

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Cork got it arseways tactically (easy to spot and difficult to fix I know). Game was played on Limericks terms

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Twas like an U9 blitz game.

He was pucking it out quicker than the camera man could catch up to while cork were committed forward.

Twice the ball was pucked out and put over the bar before the camera man got back to play

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Limericks first half tally surpassed even the 5-11 that Tipp got against Waterford in the 2011 Munster Final which was previously the greatest whole opening between two top tier counties going back to 1982. And surpassed the final tally of 7-19. A thought to consider is that if Limerick had been as efficient in possession as Kilkenny were in 2008 (2 wides) they would have notched up 3-48 on the day.


Cork management didnā€™t come with any ideas before or during the match. The puck out strategy was bizarre and then they let the full back line be isolated.

Cork need a half forward line they can hit ball to and that are competitive and able to win their own ball - whether that is changing the delivery of it or the personnel.

Very hard to go toe to toe with Limerick as they back themselves to win any 50/50s

Give it a year and a new manager and Cork will be there or thereabouts. Yesterday was embarrassing for them

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