2021 All Ireland Hurling Final - Cork v Limerick - New Money vs Old Money - Barbados Dollar vs Queens shilling

Also won the battle of the flares on the hill, the Cork one failed to launch, a garda had to take it away for a finish


The Cork lads used an actual rescue flare. Amateur hour stuff.


Hard to do too much analysis of that other than to say it was an absolutely awesome display from 1-15. I’d imagine it will go down in hindsight as the pièce de résistance of this team. Ironic given Corks complete lack of resistance.

On Cork.
As someone said above it’s choose what way you want to die when you play us at the moment. Had Cork lined out with a sweeper they might have kept the score closer, but they would have been conceding before they ever set foot on the pitch that they were not going to win the game, because Nash and Hannon sweeping means you can basically forget about your FF line.
So to be fair to Kingston he took the brave choice to push up on us and try to expose our FB line and try to run at us, but Cork simply hadn’t the power, time and again Cork tried to run through the middle and met WOD, DOD or one of three halfbacks and were just turned back. Not even big hits, just arms up, push back, run stopped, chance over, maybe recycled for a point, or often dispossessed. Just didn’t have the power to break a tackle. In the second half they just totally shut down Cork. Let them have a free if necessary, but no ones getting near the goals. Limerick were similarly blown off the field by Galway in 17 in the league and I think that’s when Kiely realised they needed size and power and then put a big push on the S&C side. But the Limerick lads are naturally big as well, so it’s a potent combo. That Cork team could be in the gym for two years and it wouldn’t matter for most of them. They’ll have to add bulk somehwere.
This isn’t an attempt to beat up on Cork, the short story is Limerick were simply too good, however Kingston has an awful lot to answer for as well;

  • Cork are simply flyweight in midfield. WOD and DOD had the complete run of the place.

  • Fuck knows what their plan was for Lynch, he was unmarkable Sunday, but they could have tried. Was the plan seriously for Luke Meade to pick him up? Seriously like? That was what they sat down discussed and came away saying this could work. Luke Meade. On Cian Lynch. Have they been paying any attention?

  • The space they allowed Limerick to create in front of their full back line was criminal. Especially when they were leaving Cian Lynch have the run of the CF spot, in order for Coleman to protect their full back line.

  • Downey is not an IC full back, although to be fair to him they didn’t help him either

  • Cadogan a half back? I mean come on like, he hadn’t the legs for that 5 years ago.

  • Coleman is not a CB. He can’t stop runners. He swept fuck all either that wasn’t hit down his throat

  • Cahalane at HF. I mean you are basically picking a back to mark Kyle Hayes. What kind of mentality is that. And sure he didn’t lay a glove on Hayes.

As a more general thing, Cork are playing the short passing game of the old days, but for me, they simply do not have a talented enough back six to play the short puckouts and work through the lines. They are simply playing that way because. It doesn’t suit them at all IMO.

That was the losing of the game for Cork, 2 to 10 they were blown away so could build absolutely no platform further up the field. Harnedy and Horgan did alright on limited ball. O’Connor had a bit of a welcome to the big leagues game and Kingston reverted to the mean.

For Limerick
What can you say. Absolutely awesome.
If they were to pick the all stars honestly Limerick would get 15


is that what is was, it looked very bright…as you say amateur hour

Yip, they should have saved it for 30 minutes in when they were all at sea


:clap: :clap:

A Runt classic…


They should have tied it to Lynch they might have been able to keep track of him

Golway lads trying to make a win in a facile league important in the grand scheme of things. Had it been Galway in the final instead of Limerick, it would have been a bigger annihilation. Blaming O’Neill ffs.

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Galway are definitely in the top 2 teams in the third tier of Inter County hurling.

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He had no salt for him either. Sodium doesn’t fit into the Limerick diet plan

Coveney was right in what he said about the scenes from Sunday. “Indefensible”. No social distancing between cork players in the parade. Kingston has a word about it afterwards and they maintained at least 2ms and 16 points from the greatest team to puck a ball


Of course they are. Keep saying it, eventually it will become true…eventually.

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I was probably a bit overly harsh on Cork in the immediate aftermath.

The question for them now is do they tear up the script and start again. A year of definite progress but when you receive a hiding like that it leaves scars. They do have good players coming through but there’s serious questions over that team now.

The same issues they’ve had for years. The spine of the defence has not been rectified since the days of O’Sullivan and Curran. Downey looks so uncomfortable when pulled out. O’Donoghue and O’Leary both rinsed.

Coleman is not a dominant 6. Weak at midfield without Cooper and Kearney. And up front it’s still Horgan and Harnedy doing the majority of the heavy lifting. Barrett and Connolly look like they have it but alone the two of them won’t bridge the gap.

What has happened Darragh Fitzgibbon? In 2018 he would have been in the frame for HOTY if they got to the final. He has regressed massively.

The good Cadogan blows hot and cold but I’d have him starting more often than not.


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Good points there. I just think we need to be able to mix it a bit next year. The short passing game is good, and it worked at times but we need to be able to have the option of driving it long and having forwards that can compete for 50/50 ball. Harnedy alone won’t cut it.

I’d like to see Ciarán Joyce at centre back, with Coleman moved to midfield. I still don’t know what we’ll do about fullback but Downey is not the answer there.

After we got a lesson in humility after the 2008 final we got to the next three All Ireland semi finals and although we never looked like winning any of them the games were reasonably close. You can overestimate the effect of scars on sportspeople. Well maybe that just Waterford because if we have a tradition it’s a tradition of getting the stuffing knocked out of us and coming back for more.


Downey isn’t the answer but to be fair to the Cork FB line on Sunday they were left very isolated and were duly rinsed .

If Cork are to win an AI in the next 5 years at most 5 of Sunday’s team will play.

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The 2008 team overachieved reaching that file . The next few years was managing decline

In reality if that team had of got to the final in 02, in particular or 04 they would have had great momentum and a great chance to win either game. They were over the hill by 08. Sure they struggled badly to beat Wexford down in Thurles.

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2007 destroyed them.