2021 All Ireland Hurling Final - Cork v Limerick - New Money vs Old Money - Barbados Dollar vs Queens shilling

Colin Coughlan t’fuck

Galway will surely get a couple of All Stars for beating Limerick in the league.


Watched the 08 final there for the first time last night out of curiosity. The full back line was dire. Ken hardly hit a ball. He kept falling over.

There’s a new All-Star position for a substitute this year. Jason Flynn will definitely get a nomination for it.


@Bandage did your relatives enjoy the game?

If memory serves me correct, the very first ball Ken went to hit a few minutes in, he barely made contact with it, more or less mishit it and topped it, the way an U8 starting out would.

That’s right. Then he topped a free straight to Tommy Walsh. Back in over his head goal for Eddie Brennan. He had a nightmare

That fullback line was nearly taken apart by Limerick in the Munster final. I think it was Brian Begley missed two great chances very early in the game.
We seemed to completely over look that fact because we won well in the end. We never addressed the issue at all and Limerick blew us out of it in the first 10 minutes of the Semi final. That day they buried their early goal chances.

It was also Waterford’s third week out in a row after two tough games against Cork. They were flat as pancakes at the start of the game and gave Limerick big lead after 15 minutes or so.

Limerick were able to get goals when they needed them in the second half to constantly keep Waterford at arms length. Think Waterford had it back to a point or level before the two late goals

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Barry Foley missed one afaim

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Ooh I can’t wait til we get rid of the cuckoo and crush Waterford. It’ll be epic.

You are obsessed with this cuckoo chap. All the other years ye didn’t win the All Ireland whose fault was that?


We will rule the world with an iron fist when we have ABS in charge cc @KinvarasPassion

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Now that Joe is gone will Shane be allowed pick the team if he stays on?

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Hopefully we won’t find out.

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An awful shame not giving the guy a fair chance …

Be a nice send off for Joe to get one final one

It was usually the referee. Or the GAA for not giving them a bye into the final.

Or the GAA for giving them a bye into the final

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Or those bad boys from other counties hammering the shit out of them.

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