2021 All Ireland Hurling Final - Cork v Limerick - New Money vs Old Money - Barbados Dollar vs Queens shilling

Is that the Hogan who played for Garryowen? It’s not that bollix Frank anyway.

I habnt a ducking clue

That’s the other son Ron I’d say.

I’d say they aren’t given away for free. Here Geroid, drive that for 6 months and bring it back.

Probably done trade shows etc. They’d give away nothing for nothing. Their margins are too tight

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Ron…yes. I worked for Frank when I was 17… A pig of a man when he wanted to be.

He could have a better car if he was on the Limerick panel

Shur you wouldn’t pay BIK unless you’re an employee of the company.

That’s why the country went to pot when he worked in the bank.

If they had scored as much as they threatened in that first quarter it could have been a fairly different game. Unfortunately for them they drove everything wide.

Myself and @Batigol were drinking porter tonight and agreed that Waterford were #2 in the country right now. However it is very hard to see them bridging the gap. It is crazy territory but a three-in-a-row is absolutely there if we want it.

The three in a row appears an absolute certainty in fairness, what can possibly stop it?

Events, a week may be a long time in politics 9 months is an eternity in sporting terms

I can’t think of any plausible chain of events that will stop Limerick being the hottest of hot favourites when May comes around, but perhaps you’ll have a more pessimistic view from the inside, if I was offered even money right now I’d have a very very large bet

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Casey is already out.

What if Lynch follows him?

They’ll replace him and still beat the shit out of everybody.
There’s absolutely no doubt in my mind that Limerick will win very easily next year, but it’s very early, enjoy 2021 and leave it to the players to worry about next year,

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I’m not worrying… Limerick have a small pool of players… Wouldn’t take much to bring them back to the pack…

I’d be more worried about Mikey Kiely, Currid and Kinnerk being gone.

2 of those have already gone.

@endakenny nailed it here a few days ago when he said they need a Jason Forde type because they have work that little harder for their scores.

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Every Waterford score is like a touchdown.

giphy (1)

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