2021 All Ireland Hurling Final - Cork v Limerick - New Money vs Old Money - Barbados Dollar vs Queens shilling

It would be highly unusual to have a legal team at CHC level. They are not brought in until a matter reaches the DRA.

It would in fact be contrary to rule to have legals in

The switch from Chill Insurance to Sports Direct has been a game changer for Cork GAA.

Iā€™d say youā€™re a fucking nightmare to get stuck beside at a match

Correct. As regards club matters, you have to be a club member of the affected club to have a right of audience at an appeals hearing within the county or beyond that at provincial council level. Presumably itā€™s the same principles as regards inter-county appeals. Outside lawyers can only be brought in for a DRA hearing.

I did the disciplinary stuff for a good few years for the club I was formerly involved with in Carlow back in the day. Appeared before the Leinster Council on a few occasions. It was an experience akin to what Iā€™d envisaged a summons before the Politburo in the old Soviet Union to be like. A 7 man panel sitting in judgement, all with an encyclopaedic knowledge of the rulebook.

You told us a few dozen times the umpire had said nothing?


I pointed out how the ref was talking for a full minute while the umpires had their mouth shut. Vindication again. Unreal.

Lads would be as well off staying down now. Theres only so much punishment you can look at

Ah noā€¦not at allā€¦ heā€™ll be scouring over every post now to dig in.

A green silhouette of a man getting his helmet pulled off would direct more traffic to the site.

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It doesnā€™t matter what was said, Peter was not to fall and thatā€™s the end of it.

FYI - Midleton got 42 tickets for the AI final.

Jaysus thereā€™ll be carnage.

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Thing is Limerick would still be outnumbered 2:1 even if that happened.

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How do you figure?

When Cork are in the AI hurling final forget about it, every favour that ever was is called in and they travel in HUGE numbers. Limerick are fantastic supporters too and the roar in '07 shook the place but Iā€™ll never forget the roar that went up in '03 when Setanta scored his goal, Dublin 3* shook.

*Think Croker is in D3


Cork always outnumber the oppositionā€¦ Not sure by how much this time tho, itā€™s a strange one.

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Theyā€™re good to follow the hurlers alright

I lowballed at 2:1. Telling ye now lads, if ye get your hands on tickets, any tickets, take them.

Everyone outnumbers Kilkenny 2:1 to be fair locky, we matched them close enough the last time in croke Park