2021 All Ireland Hurling Final - Cork v Limerick - New Money vs Old Money - Barbados Dollar vs Queens shilling

A wonderful achievement although traditionally he’d had to have won the county with Adare the year before and hope that no other Adare player was on the panel,
But he’s a worthy recipient, a proper role model


I presume they’d some other cup back in the day?

Great piece but sloppy from @Malarkey to refer to Clare being in MFs in 78 and 79


Doubt it. The Liam McCarthy was first presented in 1923 ( to the 1921 winners) it’s been around since.

Some muldoon from Kilmallock on the news there with an indecipherable explanation of the background to the big flag in the village. The fucking accent on him and he laughing away at his own story - absolutely no idea what he was on about. To think some of you cunts make fun of Ursula Jacob’s dulcet tones in comparison.


I was practising all morning!


The GGA all Ireland preview pieces on the news are fair twee

  • interview kids ar local pitch
  • interview local roaster for “banter”
  • an ex player to predict a win “after a battle”
  • Marty to sum up near a river

I’d say Larry O has some high jinx’s planned

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I’d say we would see that as a success

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Wot da fuq :dizzy_face::dizzy_face::dizzy_face::dizzy_face:

Probably a bit of both.

I think Limerick will will by 8/9 plus. If they play for 4 quarters (which you’d expect), they will win pulling up.

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That sounds about right, I’d be happy to have something to shout for with 15 minutes to go, but obviously if Cork are playing for goals at that stage it could get painful,
But of course it’s a one off and if they can get four of five goals they’ve a great chance, a red card for Limerick would level things up, who knows.
Jaysus, I’d love to be going up there :persevere:


Cork colours @Thomas_Brady


The Limerick money is coming

Has there ever been hotter favourites?

The only odds that matter is Sham Flan for HOTY. @Thomas_Brady tip at 80/1


Fergal Horgan was doing linesman tonight at the West Tipperary Senior Football final ahead of his big day Sunday. I’m sure nobody would have said a word if he made his excuses.

You have to admire it.


Scores 1-3 he has it

He did the line at both West Semis last weekend and reffed one of the intermediate ones. He’ll probably be doing a junior b football next week

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