2021 All Ireland Hurling Final - Cork v Limerick - New Money vs Old Money - Barbados Dollar vs Queens shilling


Isn’t it great to see young fellas play with no fear. Some skill on show.

Lovely picture of Bugsy in full flight there.

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Watching the 2018 final. Jesus the wides. Jesus Marty :man_facepalming:

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I don’t know what part of the pitch I’ll be stewarding yet but I’ll raise a right hand in honor of Kirbys finger to indicate to Free kickers what gate I’ll be at to offer a soft shoulder as they invade the pitch at final whistle


The Buff has declared that he will not attend the final tomorrow as the day belongs to Limerick and Cork fans and he wouldn’t want to deprive anyone of a ticket. A mighty sound gesture.


Is the wing back Foran anything to DJ Foran who was on the All-Ireland minor and U21 winning teams?

Is it Marty and Duignan on duty tomorrow I suppose? :smirk:


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“From Bruff, Ahane, Kilmallock, Downtown Patrickswell


It’s a mighty sound gesture but have you thought it through fully I wonder.
The incursion will probably be Limerick folk probably headed by that utter fucker @Thomas_Brady and as you know from here the rest of them are also animals. Years ago they fired cans of Dutch Gold at a respectable soccer enthusiast from this forum. The side affects of this turned him into a weekday vegan and Green Party acolyte. BĂ­ cĂșaramach amĂĄrach a chara.

All joking aside, good luck to all involved, great to have a team in it on the big day.


Des Cahill as he said farewell to Michael Duignan on Saturday Sport this afternoon said that we’ll be hearing from him again on co-commentary duties tomorrow.

My search for a ticket has come up short. Right now i have zero interest watching it on tv, its depressing thinking of it
 Ill end up watching it alone at home id say. I know a couple of diehards only sorted in the last few hours
enjoy to all travelling.


Yeah I’m the same. It’s nowhere near as exciting as being there.

I’m doing my best to keep the faith

Ah shite. No word of anything from my source.

I remember the 01 final. I was back off the plane from Canada about three or four days beforehand. There was reduced capacity because of the works in Croke Park . The auld lad had one ticket (the last time he ever went to a match in Croke Park). He was doing his usual leave at 6am the morning of the match. I was heading out on the town Saturday night and he was still on the search for a second. I came in and he was getting up. “No joy”, says he, “do you still want to come up and try above?”. I went to bed and watched the match at a friend’s gaff.


None of that made me feel one bit better.


Those Downtown Patrickswell cunts aren’t even worth talking about.

Go out on the beer for the night is my recommendation. That’s what I did 20 years ago.

Anyone care to sum up the last 1000 posts