2021 All Ireland Hurling Final - Cork v Limerick - New Money vs Old Money - Barbados Dollar vs Queens shilling

The Limk GAA spotify playlist is woeful.


Hon Limerick!

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Iā€™m sure the entire forum would be supporting Limerick, were it not for @iron_mike

Signing in. Luimneach abĆŗ.
could be missing my first Limerick game at HQ in 15 years. Iā€™m sure the fallout from the ticket ā€œallocationā€ will be legendaryā€¦


What fallout? Thereā€™s a pandemic. I havenā€™t a ticket myself. Iā€™ll enjoy the game in other ways

Are you a steamer?

A few extra tickets came back to some clubs tonight

Thatā€™s not that many games Iā€™d say

Nasty comment

9?? This no.10?

Watched the 2 semi finals again during week. Limerick were outstanding. Withstood the Wā€™ford onslaught in the 1st 15 mins then blew them away.

For all of the talk of Cork being the up and coming team, and rightly so based on u20 and minor this week, KK were 3 up, 10 mins into the 2nd half then Kk should have scored a goal when Collins fumbled a cross field ball. Kingston and Cadogan were on at that point and they overrun KK in the last 20 mins. However they were still only 3 up in injury time when they were caught with the goal. By the time Cork bring on the cavalry tomorrow Limerick will be 6 or 7 ahead and they wont come back. Limerick for me plus i better say that or balbec wont buy me a beer tomorrow.


Possibly still even in single digits for championship matches in Croke Park in the quarter century since 1996 that the Limerick support could have attended?

I ainā€™t never put my gun on no citizen

If you believe the opposite of what you post youā€™re a half decent bloke

true, and you could count the wins on one hand, including minorsā€¦

6.30 am, fay of the final.

I awaken in enemy territory, where I have resided for 3 years. Next to a carkie no less. O have kept my cool for 2 weeks listening to the arrogance try not to come out, the carkies failing to down play their own hype with ā€œwe are great underdogs boiā€ ā€œrebel trebleā€ and ā€œsurely itā€™ll be great to see hogging win one, everyone wants thatā€.

Fuck them Iā€™m giddy. Cant sleep in. Iā€™ve to pack my bag and get in the car. Upto the big smoke I will go. Ticket less. I have already surpassed by minutes allocated in my bill plan, for a fruitless search. Maybe just maybe something will turn up today, if not will be in a fine establishment in Dublin for the day. The brother has gone all metropolitan, be up for 11 and we go for brunch. Is this one of them brunches with liquor? He laughed, Iā€™m confused, Iā€™ll bring a few cans of cider in case.

As I set off, I often would be respectful to the opposition and wish them luck. This is not the case. Fuck cark, I have giving too much grief over the last 3 years and ill never hear the end of it. All Ireland Final day, highlight of the year no less. Safe trip to all Limerick and Cork posters to Dublin.

As a wise man once said ā€œGiddy up there boi, Hon Limerick :nigeria::nigeria:ā€


Have a great day lads. Best of luck for those going up without a ticket, hope it works out well for you.
Iā€™ve the tv booked in a house full of females and who donā€™t give a hoot about sport apart from rugby, hockey and netball (I know).

Head says Limerick, all day long and all things being equal they will win. But 21 years living here in Cork means Iā€™ve assimilated I think so Iā€™d like to see Cork win. Half the family are from Oola but I remember my Mother, God rest her, back in 2007 and she saying it was a win/win game for her.

Limerick by 4.


I couldnt sleep myself i was so high from the last minute ticketā€¦

My man that dropped it was saying he couldnt believe the level of confifence around the placeā€¦the underage wins and beating kk have given them a huge shot of Corkness.

Ive to get a covid test ahead of a hospital visit tomorrowā€¦i was down for 9.35 but ill be rocking up at 8.15 and leaving straight from the Bonsā€¦ Coffee drip for the day


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Iā€™m a lovely fella. Ask anyone