2022 All Ireland football final - The Yerras V The Fancy Dans. Name your kitchen

It’s once again absolutely dazzling the clowns who claim to be GAA followers that are really only barstool sports fans.

Walsh is doing a Mickey Mouse Hibernia in Dublin and is spending 9 months on the year travelling to Galway. I’m sure if he never even trained with his club they wouldn’t care as long as he turns up on the 5/6 weekends they play championship.

This transfer stinks and it’s up to every proper GAA person to block it as much as they can.

The barstool sports fans and rubby heads like Neil Treacy should mind their own business.


The whole fabric of the GAA will fall apart if transfers like this become common place.

Gearoid Hegarty was playing championship junior hurling tonight, and his team mightn’t even make the knock out stages. If he was to walk out on them, and God knows he’d have enough offers, it would be some kick in the hole for those people who’ve fought tooth and nail to keep the club alive for decades.

People who aren’t involved in clubs have no idea what it means to small unglamorous clubs to have an intercounty player. To lose said player would be devastating.


But they can’t really block it.

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100 percent

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He’s had his head turned here. Crokes are the problem. Simple as that.


I’m sure it could be blocked if he’s only a student.

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It can be refused by the GAA if it’s proven as such, but the club can’t really block it. They can simply not sign the form but that won’t really stop it.

This. He hardly approached them with the idea.

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Some lads here think an amateur sportsperson should be the property of a failing GAA club. That’s called slavery.

Croke’s should be called to order here by the association

A move like this does hell of a lot more damage to the promotion and sustainability of the GAA, than the split season. It attacks the ethos and soul that binds communities and clubs. Clubs exist because of volunteerism. Moves like this are two fingers to said volunteers. No volunteers, no club, no intercounty.


That’s a bit patronising. He’s fully entitled to make his own decisions as to where he wants to play. It’s nobody else’s business.

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People can perceive it any way they want. If a player wants to leave a club and play for a club in the county where they live, they should be let. The player is no longer part of that community anyway.

The nature of the GAA is that clubs have always folded and amalgamated. The show goes on. I believe @myboyblue pointed this out last week.

Walsh should be allowed play wherever he wants.

One can only assume Croke’s approached him and made him an offer to move from his home club to their super club. Crokes won’t mind leaving off one of their own to play him as well. That’s how it works for the money clubs.


I say this with the greatest of respect but that is spoken like some one who has never been a member of a club.


More absolute nonsense. This isnt some rule that has been foisted upon people in recent years. It’s the bedrock of the association. It’s not a secret.


So you’d see no issue if he went and played for Kerry instead of Galway?

You can think what you want and you’d be wrong.

And opinion within the GAA is not monochrome, it never has been and never will be.

If Walsh was doing a teacher training course in London, would you be in favour of stopping him joining a club there?

A load of inter-county players have gone to America on what are effectively paid holidays to play for clubs there, which means they aren’t playing for their clubs at home. The gas thing is the same people who defended that are now down on Walsh because he wants to play for a club near to where he lives.

Well maybe it’s time to demolish that “bedrock”.