2022 FIFA World Cup (Part 1)

Havenā€™t seen much of this World Cup so far outside of the two British representatives. 3 of the last 4 matches have finished 0-0. Fairly turgid though on the whole, I take it?

The whole sense of occasion is gone.

Itā€™s like playing AI Finalā€™s in July.

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Sure the heat is wicked.

Brutal. Hardly even a talking point out of that last game bar the observation that the Croatian jersey was in fact a nice jersey and that there is a changing in the guard in terms of some of the older players?

Im wondering what the reaction would be if a load of english fans came over here dressed as the Black and Tans or Oliver Cromwell.*

*Dont think the crusades went as far as Qatar bit the Arabs are certainly sticking together at this world cup.

For comparison theyā€™d have to dress as Norman Invaders. Iā€™d imagine weā€™d shrug and laugh ve them at it.

Shur, the Normans became more Irish than the Irish themselves :person_shrugging:t2:

The dubs would probably come out and wave little Union Jack flags, again.

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And Out offering the lads tea and sandwiches and a go off their women folk, again.

@ChairmanDan and @gilgamboa would arrange a march from lansdowne road

This will be a cracker. Bags of goals incoming

The equivalent would be how would the Irish react if a load of Mongolians came over dressed as Genghis Kahns hordes. Would we be offended on behalf of our Eastern European brethren?

Great counter from Japan but definitely offside I think.

Japan letting them have it at the back then pressing like maniacs when it goes forward

This German jersey is very third reich

Cc @johnnysachs


Must have been great banter in the pubs of Doha between supporters of the old war allies before this one.

isnt henry shefflingtonshire the greatest shinty player of them all

The demise of the striker in world football is a very sad happening.

Nicely played.


It would be the axis of the World Cup