2022 FIFA World Cup (Part 1)

By god. The shame.

There used to be an Alex Spain who was Chairman or Chief Executive (or whatever the head honcho was called) of B&I ferries.

Holland is a name that crops up around Galway a bit. Down gave us Mark Poland. Scotland gave us Joe Jordan and Alan Brazil. The Wombles gave us Uncle Bulgaria. Rob Denmark was a name well known to early to mid 1990s Sportsnight viewers.

I wonder is there is a Paddy Guatemala knocking around Longford or somewhere.

Firminho’s one won’t be as good I’d imagine

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I have a vague memory of one of the Scottish clubs (possibly Dundee or Dunfermline) having Gerry Britton, Hamish French and Craig Ireland on their books at the same time in the mid 90s.


Hearts had Gary Wales who was Scottish.

Mike England was manager of Wales.

Then there was Nicholas English and Theo English and Jim English and Richie English who are/were all Irish.

Stephen Ireland used to be Irish but urban legend has it he became English when his grannies died, although they didn’t know they had died. To be fair, none of us have or will know.


Alan Oman. Oh man

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Can’t believe I forgot Ken Oman. Oman is a name synonymous with Irish football. You know what they say about never being more than six feet away from a rat, the Ireland team are never more than six months away from another friendly against Oman.

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Leo is going to lead us to the promised land


Darragh Spain used to plays for Dubs in hurling.

Mexico are very average, have lost to the US 3 out of their last 4 competitive games which is their barometer as the US are fairly useless. Jimenez is the only striker they have and he will be half fit at best.

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Ah thats class

You can actually see Pedro shitting it. Not to mention the surprise of Neymar at a few names

But they must simply release the Bobby Firminho cut. The poor fucker.

There’s them pesky journalists, doing nothing again @jurgenklopp

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That’s the same as I ended up with

Mane is out :cry:

Hard one for the forums Senegalese


The young fella is gonna be gutted :sob: