2022 FIFA World Cup (Part 2)

Yeah, he has cheque cashed and off the air when he decides to find his voice

Brazilā€™s favelas should be ashamed of themselves. The lads who did that with maradonaā€™s body got killed.

I would say the opposite having encountered Marty in Croker one day.
I canā€™t abide him as a commentator or presenter but he seemed to be a really nice guy.



Ah yeah he probably is. I asked him politely for a photo in my youthful innocence at the time and he asked me if I wanted a teddy too in a sarcastic manner like the children whoā€™d just posed for a photo with him before mešŸ˜‚ On reflection Iā€™m sure heā€™s still a decent sort.


No slight on you but i never got the point in asking someone for a photo that you never met.

Yeah I wouldnā€™t do it now tbh. Naive at the time. Although I have posed for a photo with a group with Damien Comer since. Couldnā€™t resist a photo with the Beasht.


Thereā€™s no country like it, itā€™s a religionā€¦ Messi is bigger than Jesus.

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Hard to really know but the chances of it happening/happened is probably a lot shorter than many realise.

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Argentinaā€™s World Cup win was a fix, which is why France were given two penalties in the final.

This sort of issue is probably too complex for you.

That Saudi Arabia v Argentina match stunk and Messi then being the face of the Saudi bid for the next World Cup.

If they can rig general elections itā€™s not too far fetched to believe they can rig football matches and tournaments.

Do the Saudis bother with elections?

I mean elections have been rigged.

FIFA were involved in a massive rigged election in 2015.

They were also involved in various scandals over the selection of Russia for the 2018 World Cup.

I donā€™t think the World Cup was rigged. Argentina could have gone out a few times. The chaos of the Dutch game definitely wouldnā€™t suggest a rigged game to me anyway

The decision to award France two penalties in the final was undoubtedly part of the master plan to fix it for Argentina.

If youā€™re going to fix something for one team, the master plan dictates that you do the last thing anybody would expect, which is to give two penalties to their opposition, which were both subsequently scored. Itā€™s like when Dougal hid the rabbits from Bishop Brennan by putting them in the last place youā€™d ever expect - Bishop Brennanā€™s room.

Genius when you think about it.


FIFA are as corrupt an organisation as youā€™ll find.

It wouldnā€™t surprise me in the slightest if there was corruption involved in these major tournaments.

In terms of host selection and where the money goes, yes, 100%.

Not recently in terms of results though

Like all the best conspiracy theories youā€™ve made an assertion which has a grain of truth and then run off in completely the wrong direction.