People who have been mugged off. Good and proper like mickee321

They were probably calling your name you absolute dope :joy:

My 7 year old is a soccer nut. He’s been absolutely bet into the world cup. Did the buster at my work and has been tracking his progress in minute detail. Has watched every game he could, non stop YouTube highlights etc etc etc…

Well he lost the fucking plot the other day when he realised his pre arranged day out with his aunty to see some show was going to mean he was missing the final. Inconsolable.

So being the great dad (cc @Bandage) that I am I promised not to watch it or find the score without him… He contacted me earlier before the show to make sure I was still sticking to the deal.

I turned the TV and my phone off for the evening and somehow managed to get to 8pm without seeing the score. He came in the door and I had the TV set up literally at the kick off ready to press play…

The little bollox starts roaring Messssiiiii Messssssiii legend. He’d watched it on his aunts phone on the way home on the train :rage::angry::rage::angry::rage::angry::rage::angry::rage::angry::rage::angry:


Cool story bro.

I’m pissing myself laughing here! Great stuff. Kick the little bollox up to bed, open a beer and enjoy it.


I’d be having a word with Santa.

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@Aertel220 by Marty


Wexford again, but not sure if it was the same person who was selling the donkey jacket…

In the market for a ring, you are?


Saw it before, never fails to amuse.


Otterly mugged off

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Fucking hell. Cc @myboyblue matt hancock is the gaa in @Mac’s example here

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I love watching a professional liar in action and getting grilled


He hasn’t been mugged off at all. He’s genuinely offended by the impertinent nature of the questions
There’s a bit of a whiff of kilmacud crokes about him

I was on Davy Fitz/ball fetching duty behind the goal today. Ball game in. I chased. I was in between the adult goal posts. I cracked myself off the adult goal behind to the extent opposition mentor came over to see was I ok. Embarrassed adrenaline fuelled me to end of game.

I now think I’ve broken my hand.


How is it your hand that’s broken? I’m picturing a facial injury

PS: U ok hun? etc…

Got the hand x-rayed. Not broken. Just badly bruised. Like my ego.


Tough scene this one…

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