2022 FIFA World Cup (Part 2)

Kilmallock Postal district but heā€™s from Glenosheen. Thatā€™s 14km away. We canā€™t claim that nutter.

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Bringing Mbappe on changed itā€¦ Theyā€™ll regret not introducing him sooner.

You should repeat that gag another half-dozen times. Itā€™s a cracker


Itā€™s over lads. We need to move on

Cc glasinatracksuit

Just watching Sky Sports News. Melissa Reddy is a very astute and excellent analyst.

She has an awful whiney voice. Easy on the eye mind.

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Iā€™m still replaying incidents from the game over in my head. It was just something else. That conclusion to extra time with the fantastic Martinez save and Martinez eile missing the header was incredible. I think somebody said it was all the more enjoyable because Argentina have flaws as well as class. A nice bit of fury and emotion too. Itā€™s also brilliant when true greats have periods of adversity and are held in games but persevere and ultimately shine. Mbappeā€™s last hour or so was phenomenal. Messi obviously cemented his legacy with his goals and wonderful play. I also thought Mac Allister was outstanding and Di Maria was excellent for his 60 minutes or so. Immense stuff.


France will rue not bringing Mbappe on till the 80th minute. Back to back world cups - immortality beckoned.

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Probably the best World cup ever. I thought Germany 06 was a great world cup too, the height of the tiger with enormous drinking sessions during the games, same time zone makes a huge difference


Didnt post yesterday was in a heap, but what a final. Definitely best i can remember.

Messi has the trump card for the goat arguement and no doubt deserves it. Fantastic to see.

Mbappe is the current future, his second goal was unreal.

Delighted for Argentina deserved winners. Great that a player like messi finally wins it. Great scenes. The whole trophy presentation was bizzare. A sportswashing show, dragged out and focus taking away from Argentina getting the trophy.

The whole vest thing was bizzare, fuck off Qatar and your culture yesterday was about soccer. Infantino having onto the limelight, bizarrely shows how accurate @Cheasty daily updates are to what the man thinks of himself, sour puss on macron was a lovely touch. Getting the whole french team to wait for a photo with their runners up medals, again how is that a good idea, the french team in the main kept some dignity by collecting them and putting on a brave face after being stuck there for an hour.

Just based on football i reckon the best world cup in my lifetime topped by that final. Outside football sportwashing on this level should never be allowed again.


yet you had no issue with the euros being in Britain last time despite the millions dead following the invasion of Iraq?

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We all know about the atrocities cause by the British empire and the illegal war in iraq. At least in Britain you can speak out about it and its not swept under the carpet for the main part. So many levels of wrong about having a world cup in Qatar and we will both agree claiming a carbon neutral world cup while having air conditioned stadiums paid for by gas money is one of them

I havenā€™t actually seen the final in full yet, but christ, the highlights.
Iā€™ve watched every world cup since 1982. This was the best.

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Nothing will ever surpass Euro 88.
The End.

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Any good podcast or commentary on the aftermath of world cup and what an Argentina win meant? Most commentary I hear is about sportswashing (which is understandable from an editorial standpoint) or how England missed a golden opportunity. Anything from Tim Vickery anywhere?