2022 Six Nations rugby championship

Yes but you can’t compare 2011 to 2015.

2011 was a disaster. They were caught out. They’d a fine squad.

In 2015 the squad was destroyed by injuries. Sexton, o Connell and o Mahony were gone. What was left v Argentina was nowhere near good enough. We’d have beaten very few sides with Madigan at ten.

I suppose what Gerry omits to consider is that a World Cup semi final isnt an end in itself but a stepping stone to a final, which Ireland might win. Nobody remembers losing semi finalists - it’s one of the oldest truisms in sport.


Some time in the future Ireland will get to a WC semi final. Thornley and the TFK rugby crew will then claim it is Irelands greatest achievement despite claiming at the moment it is no biggie. Happy to change the goalposts of success to suit their narrative.


I don’t think that’s true though. You could meet Scotland in a Q/f and end up in a semi.

It’s a little bit of a red herring imo anyway.

Anyone know why the draw for the World Cup is made so far in advance? Surely make more sense to do it 6 months the before the tournament
Typical stuff from the blazers

Presume it’s something to do with logistics.

Exactly. You can’t win the RWC without winning a QF… So what Gerry is actually saying is the RWC isn’t worth a fuck. Bananas from the paper of record

Probably, but seems excessive time frame all the same

A lot of the nations are under pressure financially too. The likes of Samoa, Fiji and tonga I’d say would do well to come up with the cash.

The group stage is four weeks too. Gives fans a good chance to plan as well. The group stage in a soccer World Cup is probably only ten days or so for a nation so it’s easier.

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Sure the GAA did draws in October for games the following May/June but during the qualifiers, they had to wait until the Monday morning to do a draw for a series of games that were to be held over a following weekend :roll_eyes:


These teams will be a lot stronger come next WC interesting see it it reflected in sponsorship

They need 3 years notice to book a hotel in France.


I doubt its the hotel but I’d imagine it is tough to organise the training and travel for four weeks or so for the smaller nations. It gives nations a chance to get their schedule together and it gives fans a chance too. The earlier the fixtures the better anyway for me as it’s usually cheaper the further out.

Why would you wait ?

Ranking could change a fair bit between whenever draw for 2023 was made and say end of Autumn internationals* in 2022 if draw was to be made then

*test match

Do rankings come into it?

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World rankings yes over a longer period. That’s why the autumnal internationals are vital. You keep losing those and you’d drop outside the top 8.

It was two years out i think but you’d have to have them made 12 months or so in advance so your only missing out on 8 or so games.

I like it anyway. I know exactly where Ireland will be and can plan accordingly very cheaply.

I think it’s fair enough.

Gerry dancing on the head of a pin is wondrous.

In fairness, when you know what teams are gonna be there every four years there’s no point waiting around. It’s great for Irish fas, being able to book accommodation and flights home right up to the quarter final 2/3 years in advance.

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