2022 Turds

I’ve been very lucky, consistent maybe but it’s a poor team and I haven’t been able to make it any better,

I had to flog Burrow to try get a balanced team … streaming QBs is nothing a winning formula tho. It will be some job making the playoffs after an auto draft stinker. Especially after @carryharry and @Crutches spent 6 months preparing for the draft.

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It was only 3 months you cunt :angry:


I forgot to set my lineup :rage::rage::rage::rage:

tank GIF

I picked up Cook with Conner on a bye … @backinatracksuit , stick him in there will ya

You horrible bastard. I was next in line on waivers for Cook and you won’t even use him.

I want to use him. I will use him. Trackie, can you help me use him?

I picked him up to play him … FML!

I’ll put it to the vote, best I can do, I’ll abstain and so will @Thomas_Brady
I’ll count votes from current Turds member

  • Put Cook into Brady’s lineup
  • Nah, fuck him

0 voters

I Hope Please GIF

Kindergarten rules is it?

I’m very easy going, there’s no money on the line

Interlopers have no bidness getting involved here…

I wasn’t going to bother until you tried to censor me maaaaan

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OK new poll upcoming
Couldn’t see the voters

Simple yes or no
Should I put Cook into his lineup

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

I’ll let this go for a couple more hours and count the turd votes

Looks like you win @Thomas_Brady , have to say I’m surprised, you’re either popular or feared :man_shrugging:

Can you ask my opponent @Loko_Cove to have a say first.

eh, it’s 4 to 3 against him?

Are chucks and Art in the league? You sniveling rat.