2023 AI Hurling Final Limericks v KK

Take out TJ “15 frees” Reid and Cody and this Kilkenny side are very ordinary, it would be an abomination for a team of Limerick’s quality to lose to them, i wouldn’t be able to get my head around it if they did, look at the forward line alone, the Likes of Hegarty, Gillane, Flanagan etc, they are on a different planet, how many of those Kilkenny workhorses would even make the Limerick panel?


Other apps still saying plenty of rain.

Translation = who the fuck knows

I find yr.no is very good at long range forecasting but much less accurate than other apps for the 24 hour period.

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Any word on whether the KK lads go to Buckley’s wedding, or what’s the done thing. You’d be plagued at it surely?

Again that pretty believable.

Just landed in DUB - the excitement is starting to build now.

@Batigol - I’ll meet you in the baggage hall for a shouldering competition


who else in that Kilkenny side would trouble the Limerick side? I suppose young Butler will hold his own and Mullen has a small bit about him, the rest?

The more I think about it, It will be an absolute disgrace if Limerick did lose tomorrow

@Batigol your county’s honour hinges on this. Sew it into the Cat cunt leave him splattered across carousel 4

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Carousel 5 in T2

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If they lose all their previous titles and medals should be stripped from them.


Let’s hope the rumours about Barry nash aren’t true anyway :rofl:

@fran is the lad with the fanny pack.

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We affectionately refer to TJ as Special Teams these days.

Best of luck to both the Limerick’s and Kilkenny’s tomorrow. Hope whatever way it goes ya’s have a great day lads. I’ve a lot of time for both sets of supporters, and for ya’s on this.


No show from @Batigol, bad omen for tomorrow


Christ, what poor cunt did I flatten?


Get your tongue outta their holes will ye FFS

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@Spidey is Phibsboro gentrified yet or is it still a shithole? Looking to venture somewhere for breakfast/brunch when I get up tomorrow.

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Lovely McDonald’s there